In an effort to solve my "will it work?" bottom bracket quandary, I mana ged to get my hands on what I believe to be a post-CPSC 70-SS-120 spindle. It's my understanding that the post-CPSC spindle was a couple mm longer th an the pre-CPSC version, as the "safety lip" added to the front derailleu r cage required additional crank arm clearance. The inner profile of the crankarms also changed to accommodate this new design. If I understand correctly, using a post-CPSC spindle and a post-CPSC cran karm, together with a pre-CPSC front derailleur should not be an issue. Just wanna be sure of what I have here: The spindle has some markings that I have not seen before, neither on tho se stated to be pre-CPSC nor post-CPSC. Below the "70-SS-120" stamp is a " +1" on the left and a "+1.5" on the right. As far as I can tell, this ar e the exact dimensions of the length added to the spindles after the CSPC c hange. Was this stamp something that Campagnolo did in transitional years to create a clear demarcation between the "old" and "new" versions? Or was this a long-term change that can always be a standard to differentiate pre and post CPSC versions of the same part?
Matthew Bowne Brooklyn, New York
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