At 06:57 PM 10/15/2008, Jason Cloutier wrote:
>Fred Parr, the framebuilder and framebuilding parts supplier, was
>developing a flux for brazing titanium. This topic was being
>discussed on the Framebuilder's list a couple years ago. Fred
>hasn't participated on that list in quite a while and I've lost
>touch with him, so I don't know if this product ever made it to
>market. I think the idea was to get build titanium frames in a
>classic style (lugs, not TIG welded).
>Does anyone have any recent information on Fred PArr or his product line?
Can't help with Fred but Cecil Behringer was brazing titanium frames decades ago. A lot of Cecil's 150+ patents were for exotic brazing fillers. He wrote the chapter on titanium brazing in my 1975 edition of the American Welding Society's Brazing Manual.
Mark Stonich;
BikeSmith Design & Fabrication
5349 Elliot Ave S. - Minneapolis. MN 55417
Ph. (612) 824-2372