Here's what the seller sent to me... =================================== Hello;
I am selling subscriptions to my newest website, MY TEN SPEEDS. Here is a
preview page to help you understand what the website is all about.
I think that you will find the website to be a bit more than a book about collecting bicycles. I try to show people how to find bikes, restore them and do it on a budget without a lot of special tools or facilities. I also hope that the site will become interactive in the near future but for now, I am thankful to finally have the information ready to offer to others.
If you choose to purchase, I will send you a user name and password that will allow you access to all three hundred plus pages of information.
Thanks for your interest and I do hope that you choose to become a member of MY TEN SPEEDS. My guess is that you will consider the money it costs to join, well spent.
Best regards,
David Bean
Arlington, MA USA
beandk at are-see-enn dot com