RE: [CR]Cambio Corsa Axle Help Please

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli)

From: "Bruce Gordon" <>
To: <>, "'Classic Rendezvous'" <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Cambio Corsa Axle Help Please
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 08:07:54 -0700
In-Reply-To: <>
Thread-Index: Ack1EflMm5CPGjIIRZq1jFTPxLrAlgADqz8g

I believe Ed Litton of Ed Litton Cycles in Point Richmond, CA has new Cambio Corso Axles he has had made. His phone # is (510) 237-1132 Regards, Bruce Gordon

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Hugh Thornton Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 6:19 AM To: Classic Rendezvous Subject: [CR]Cambio Corsa Axle Help Please

I am in the process of rebuilding a bike with Campagnolo Cambio Corsa and am slightly groping in the dark because it is the first I've had and th ere aren't any others I know of locally to check out.

The date of the rear hub is 1949 if the locknuts are to be believed.  The outer end of the drive side of the axle is not threaded.  I initia lly assumed that the threads had worn off, but then I measured across the w idest point and it is nominally 10mm, same as the OD of the threads,  which indicates to me that it was never threaded.  Is that corre ct?

Correct or not, I clearly cannot unscrew the locknut and cone on that side, but I can't unscrew it the other way either - i.e. by winding it all the w ay down, sliding it across the centre section and then unscrewing it on the non-drive side.  Logic tells me that I should be able to do that, but that damage to the threads on the drive side is preventing it.  Can s omeone confirm that this is the correct way to remove the drive-side cone a nd locknut before I go any further?

The axle itself is in a bad state, having been badly mutilated just inboard of the drive-side threads.  I am sure if I ride it much, it will brea k.  I seem to recall mention of replacement axles on this list a while ago -- are they still available and who should I contact?

Thanks for any help and advice.

Hugh Thornton
Cheshire, England