I agree with Tom here. Until recently, I had a 79 Masi GC and still have the 88 3V. I kept the 3V for a bunch of reasons but mostly I like the way it rides and the Ferrari red paint job by Brian Baylis talks to me. So the 3V stayed and the GC found a new home.
Mike Schmidt Stirling, NJ USA
On 11/11/08 4:21 PM, "Tom Sanders" <tesanders@comcast.net> wrote:
> I have every respect for Bob Hovey's assessment of most anything Masi, but I
> will say that ugly is often in the eye of the beholder and that to me they
> are by no means ugly.I have owned two that I felt strikingly beautiful and I
> still feel that the one I own now is a stunner.
> http://www.wooljersey.com/
> been a cheaper way to build, and even resulted in a heavier bike than one
> might think, but for me and others on this list they have a unique and
> comfortable ride and ability to accelerate, mostly due to stiffness, I
> would guess, that other more expensive bikes can only aspire to. After
> years of 3V ownership, I really can find little fault with them. Next time
> I get down to Georgia, I'm going to put Bob on mine and watch him change his
> mind to a more favorable opinion, even though he may just be reporting on
> other's aesthetic sense here.
> Tom Sanders
> Lansing, Mi USA