Tom writes;
>> Next time I get down to Georgia, I'm going to put Bob on mine and watch
him change his mind to a more favorable opinion, even though he may just be
reporting on other's aesthetic sense here.
Please don't get me wrong folks, I know the 3V has a wonderful ride. Our lo cal bike shop owner gets misty-eyed about the ones he owned and still tells people that it was the best production steel bike made. Though some smaller riders may find them a bit too stiff, it might be safe to say that for stro ng, tall or heavy riders there's probably nothing else like it in steel, unl ess you go to a custom builder.
So let me make it clear to Tom (and others who, out of apparent concern for my immortal soul, saw fit to email me off-list to warn me of my blasphemy) t hat I was referring to its aesthetic qualities only (which is very much a ma tter of personal taste). Yes, it has a simple elegance, but this jointed-pi pe look is not the sort of thing I find appealing in lugged-steel bikes (and just so's you'll know how narrow-minded and opinionated I am, let me say th at I've never been all that fond of fillet-brazed bikes either ;-). Externa l lugs with graceful designs and hand filing are what get my blood flowing a nd make me want to come in for a closer look.
Bob Hovey
Columbus, GA USA