[CR]Fake ripoff or quality rebrand?

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot)

To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
From: "Mikael Gustafsson" <mikael.gustafsson@saunalahti.fi>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2008 19:25:39 +0200
Subject: [CR]Fake ripoff or quality rebrand?


Please excuse me for bringing up this subject again. The last round was a bit misinformative and no information surfaced. I am trying again, hoping that the new topic might spark some more interest.

I bought that red-white Diamant frame from E-bay, and wrote about it about a week ago to the list. I got some nice information about Diamant, and in the end when I compared it to one Italian bike one reader pointed out that it might just be a cheap rip-off. This is where I got interested. This post is a bit lenghty, but I would really appreciate some feedback on the subject. I am far from a professional with these things, so I might be way off. Please excuse me if that is the case.

These are the specs of the frame afaik:

Columbus tubing (SL or SP?)( http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/ narri/diamant008.jpg ) Cinelli bottom bracket ( http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/narri/ diamant011.jpg ) Campangolo 1010/B dropouts ( http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/ narri/diamant005.jpg ) Campagnolo NR headset ( http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/narri/ diamant009.jpg ) Cinelli (?) lugs ( http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/narri/ diamant003.jpg )

Whole frame: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/narri/ diamant002-1.jpg One curious decal that started it all: http://img.photobucket.com/ albums/v159/narri/diamant013.jpg

In one earlier CR discussion one reader pointed out that some Diamant frames where in fact, rebranded Italian bikes. ( http:// search.bikelist.org/?SearchString=Diamant&SortBy=MsgDate%5Ba% 5D&pg=1 ) Baron Corpuz.

A bit later I found this link: http://velospace.org/node/2601

If you look at the photo with the Designer 84 - decal, you'll see there's quite a resemblance with the Diamant Designer 86-one.

So, since the bike is clearly at least somehow decent, could this just be some blatant ripoff, or is it actually a rebranded Italian bike? I have no feelings for or against, just curious? It would seem weird if fakes in this scale could be made by such a big company as Diamant? I might be wrong, what do you think?

Regards and greetings from Finland, Mikael Gustafsson

ps. and yes, this bugs me.