Ha: just Google BS3648, loads of hits!
Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations - BS6102/3 & BS3648
Rear Lamp One is required, to show a red light, marked BS3648 or BS6102/3 (or equivalent), positioned centrally or offside, between 0.35m and 1.5m from the ground, at or near the rear, aligned towards and visible from behind.
Alan Lloyd
Schaumburg, Illinois, USA
> From: Alan Lloyd <adl2k@yahoo.com>
\r?\n> Subject: RE:Was: UK bicycle lamps, now "Berec'?
\r?\n> To: "Leonard Diamond" <leonarddiamond@verizon.net>
\r?\n> Cc: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
\r?\n> Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 11:11 AM
\r?\n> I'd never heard what BEREC stood for, obvious once
\r?\n> you're seen it!
\r?\n> "Back in the day" most such things had to conform
\r?\n> to a British Standard, I'm sure BS3638 is British
\r?\n> Standard number 3648 for rear bicycle lamps or something?
\r?\n> Nowadays me-thinks everything will be covered by some
\r?\n> dreaded EEC regulation instead?
\r?\n> Alan Lloyd
\r?\n> Schaumburg, Illinois, U.S.A.
\r?\n> --- On Tue, 11/18/08, Leonard Diamond
\r?\n> <leonarddiamond@verizon.net> wrote:
\r?\n> > From: Leonard Diamond
\r?\n> <leonarddiamond@verizon.net>
\r?\n> > Subject: RE:Was: UK bicycle lamps, now
\r?\n> "Berec'?
\r?\n> > To: "'Alan Lloyd'"
\r?\n> <adl2k@yahoo.com>, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
\r?\n> > Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 11:04 AM
\r?\n> > We sold bunches of these in the AYH store on Spring
\r?\n> Street
\r?\n> > in NYC. With 2 D
\r?\n> > cells they weighed a ton but were state of the art at
\r?\n> the
\r?\n> > time (tons better
\r?\n> > than wonder lights). Attachments for the left fork
\r?\n> blade
\r?\n> > were hard to come
\r?\n> > by but friends always cleaned out the shops of them
\r?\n> > whenever they visited
\r?\n> > the UK. I sent our listmeister photos of the ones I
\r?\n> still
\r?\n> > have and he is
\r?\n> > posting them on the cr site somewhere.
\r?\n> >
\r?\n> > I never knew but Berec is an acronym for:
\r?\n> >
\r?\n> >
\r?\n> > BEREC = British Ever Ready Electrical Company
\r?\n> >
\r?\n> > Another bit of trivia courtesy of Stephen Bauman, a
\r?\n> long
\r?\n> > time NYC AYH bike
\r?\n> > leader: what is the meaning of "BS3648"
\r?\n> cast
\r?\n> > into the red plastic lens of
\r?\n> > the BEREC rear light?
\r?\n> >
\r?\n> > Len Diamond
\r?\n> > Ridgewood, New Jersey USA