Hi Hugh,
While I don't have any for sale, I have a few of those magazines from that time period, and have uploaded some (3 so far - but am planning to do more when I have the time) to my wooljersey album:
Of the 3, just one is in the time frame you're asking about, but I will upload some more and will let you know. Hope this is of use to you.
Monday, November 24, 2008, 11:16:22 AM, henox wrote:
> I'd like to buy a few (maybe 3) copies of "Cycling Weekly" from the late
> 1950's or early 1960's. In this time period most of the reporting was on
> time trials on fixed gear with road racing just beginning to get
> coverage.
> I subscribed to this magazine for a long time but the back issues just
> never survived my many moves.
> Maybe contact me off list if you have some older issues you would part
> with.
> TIA,
> Hugh Enox
> La Honda, California, USA
> _______________________________________________
Dmitry Yaitskov,
Toronto, Canada.