Enough on this Hatfield & McCoy imagined highschool feud nonsense. If these protaganists have a beef, I suggest giving them a frame pump, a bucket of water each, and have them enjoy a squirting duel at 5 paces. Do it in/at 0 degrees and the one with the least ice weight wins.
As to your falling on the track, Big Bummer! If you'll pardon the pun.
I would also like to suggest that there are only 2 turns on a bicycle track.
Your either going into a turn, in a turn, or coming out of a turn.
It's one of the things Roger Young, velodrome manager, emphasises in his
track clinics at the ADT indoor Velodrome in Carson, California.
Roger was a multi national champion, My dad and I raced against his dad
years ago, and all the track guys I know refer to it that way.
By the way, I don't know how big your track is or the banking, but when you
go full out in a sprint on the track, you will find that having just a tiny
bit more pressure of your left foot/leg while you're leaning and depending
on what your top speed is, will hold you in/on the pole better and keep you
from drifting up.Just a little hint to make your track riding more fun in
case you weren't aware of that dynamic.
It's kind of a subconscious thing.
I also try to get a black and white picture of every track I can for my
scrapbook. Color OK, too.
If you ever get a nice one from far enough back for good perspective, I'd
like to have one. I'll be happy to pay you for any shipping or print cost.
Good aim to the spritzers!
Ted Ernst
Palos Verdes Estates
> In this particular case I feel it might be a positive thing for us to
> weigh in on how we feel about disputes that arise between listmembers. We
> actually do share more than just an odd love of old bikes. It's really
> much more than that - we are a collective of friends with mutual
> interests. This kind of collective is one of the best things about the
> internet. When I read about a particular fierce dispute between two
> listmembers whose names always conjure up pleasant thoughts about humanity
> for me, I have to reflect back on my own past disputes between
> acquaintances (both on this list and in my other lives). Disputes are part
> life and this dispute, one however fierce and convoluted, is still rather
> civil as human conflicts go.
> I'm a pretty likable and friendly guy and quite a few listmembers have met
> me and seem to come away with positive feelings about me - but if
> knowledge of some of the worst moments of my life became public, I would
> guess that only a few would still want to associate with me on the list or
> elsewhere. This, I believe, is true for any of us. We are generally good
> and sociable creatures but occasionally something human is exposed which
> causes an understandable crowd of onlookers gathered around to watch the
> impromptu street fight. We can mentally choose up sides and then watch the
> fists fly while we circle the fighters and take in the show. I've seen
> these kinds of fights occur with real fists on the street and with words
> only between friends, After the battle ends, I've often watched the
> participants strangely come away with a renewed and deepened friendship.
> Guys, it's that time of year, when we take inventory of ourselves, find
> ourselves lacking and yet go on with an appreciation of how far we've come
> and an acceptance of how we've fallen a little short. The two men who've
> been the focus of the last three day's skirmish, would be wise to take
> this opportunity to take inventory of themselves and of the other - see
> the human shortcomings on both sides - shake hands and rejoin this
> wonderful peaceful group of friends that we are. We are so lucky to have a
> mutual passion and a place to express it. Let's not spoil things just
> because we're ultimately and thankfully human.
> Garth Libre in Miami Florida USA - recovering from a large nasty hematoma
> on my right hip. I fell on the track on Saturday morning because turn four
> had a tiny patch of wetness that the sun had not yet burned off. Who
> cares? At least the bike is unharmed.