Dear Tom and all,
After reading about the Nitto-style QR nut mounts, I'm inspired to try and mount my NiteRider dual-beam headlamp at the front of my front rack.
Does anyone make or know about a handlebar-like mount that would clamp or bolt to a front rack? I happen to have a Minoura front rack (the kind with two sides that bolt together), but I could adapt something that fits a handlebar-type cross-section to almost any front rack.
In other news, I visited the San Francisco Bike Swap at the Cow palace this afternoon and had some success in finding parts I might find useful in building up my 1975 Allegro, which has been delayed by moving and other minor distractions. :-) It was heartening to receive so many knowing nods of recognition when I asked for French parts and mentioned what they were for. (Apparently all of the CR- applicable "good stuff" disappeared in a big hurry yesterday morning, but i could not make it.) I did not see anything resembling a "classic bikes" display, however.
Jon Spangler Alameda, CA USA
On Nov 30, 2008, at 12:00 PM,
> Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2008 14:43:43 -0500
> From: "Tom Martin" <>
> To:,
> "Classic Rendezvous" <>,
> "Sarah Gibson" <>
> Subject: Re: [CR]Nitto axle lamp holder
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 9
> The nitto Axle lamp holder is for Japanese domestic market only.
> Nitto had
> concerns about some American suing them (or their customers) if the
> nut
> backed out and the front wheel fell off. So, Merry, EAI, QBP, VO
> Imports,
> etc, are barred by Nitto from buying and reselling them.
> I guess one of us could contact a Japanese bike shop, pay full
> Japanese
> retail and ship them over for resale, but the price would be very
> high.
> Or you can buy a Made in US version that Velo Orange sells:
> They are available to bike shops via VO Imports too:
> Dealer pricing is password protected. If you are a dealer and want
> to set up
> an account, please contact me offlist.
> Tom Martin
> Annapolis MD USA
Jon Spangler
Linda Hudson Writing
510-864-0370/FAX 864-2144
MOBILE 510-846-5356