Amir Avitzur wrote:
> As a kid I read Bicycling!
> Even then, I could see that a lot of what was written didn't jive with my
> experience on the road. I'd hate to think that old Bicycling! magazines are
> being considered historically correct today. (Same goes for a whole slew of
> bike books from that period.)
> A lot of the articles in Bicycling! in the 70's seemed to be spoon-fed by
> the advertisers. I wonder if 40's and 50's French or Italian bike mags were
> any better.
Indeed, never believe everything you have read in magazines (current magazines not excepted) and never believe the things bicycle racers say. There is a whole industry depending on the fact that you can make racers believe anything ;)
-- mvg
Marten Gerritsen
Kiel Windeweer