So I know that most of us use wool jersey for our bike pics, but after Charles' post and others, I've noticed more and more listmembers posting links to Flickr.
With Dale's approval, I'd like to start a invite only Flickr group for CR members. This could be a place where the pictures posted are not necessarily the bike "porn" of wool jersey, but maybe more functional. A place to upload pics referenced in posts, upload "help me identify" or "looking for pics", maybe even some F/S or WTT.
It seems like the searching interface of Flickr and the ability to upload directly from a phone or blackberry maybe be a great thing for members.
By no means do I suggest moving away from wool jersey as it's a valuable resource and it's not as "open" as flckr, but I propose using it as a supplement. Additionally flickr allows video uploads.
As mentioned above, this would be an invite only group, so not open to any flickr user. The group image pools could or could not be open for public view and any discussions or posts would be private. Additionally, we would set up several moderators for the group to help keep things in check and approve new members.
Beyond Dale's approval, I would love to get a general consensus of the idea.
Sean Flores