I sought enlightenment and i got it, I defer to Ted Ernst's intimate knowle
dge. The "C" on my seatpost bolt is slightly slimmer than that on my
Velox, but man! they're a LOT alike! Photo upun request. So, the Velox and
GT appear in the early '70s about a decade after Raleigh's acquisition of C
arlton. Each has "C" bolts remarcably like the Carlton sp bolt/axle n
uts. Was Campy jus trying to assert it's right or primacy to the use of the
letter as an identifying logo? They show a couple which i presume were tra
demarked, at the beginning of Catalog 17a. Or was it just a coincidence? [A
BIG coincidence as Seinfeld would say.] Billy [getting used to being wrong
about everthing] Ketchum; Chicago, IL; USA.