Dear List,
Thanks to everyone for a for a wonderful evening. I was really looking forward to this, and it satisfied nearly ALL my desires!
We even managed to break a meeting attendance record: 24! WOW! And that was without some a da regulars.
I shoulda passed around an sheet for everyone to sign, but since we didn't, here's Mordecais remembrance effort:
John Pergolizzi
Sally Pergolizzi, AKA wifiepoo
Katherine Gowman (former Colnago girl fresh from San Diego)
Michael Schmidt
Ron Anderson
Steve Klein
Steven Kinne
Alice______; Steve Kleins girl
Jane Kenyon
Norman Hellman
Josh Berger
Mike Haddad
Mordecai Silver
Harry Schwartzman
Vicente Saraco
Vic Kamminsky
Jared Bunde
Dave Perry (Bike Works Bike Shop, N.Y.C.
Alan Kaplan ( who I hadent sceen in almost three years and we met on Bleeker St. by accident a few hours before the meeting and invited!)
Matthew Bowne; Assistente al Despoto Omnipotente
Jeremy Rauch, first timer
Eric Moberg, same as above
David Neuhaus, just like the two previous guys
And a fella whose name I just cant remember because of CRS (the fellow who lives in Bay Ridge who stayed till the end at Rocco's?).
Please take a gander at:
for very nice pictures of the evenings event at Johns Pizzaria and Roccos Café.
Hey, more people keep coming, so I guess everyone is having a good time!
Enjoy and thanks,
John T.Pergolizzi
Despoto Omnipotente
Brooklyn Velodrome Vintage Wheelmen
Hey, NICE jersey John