Interesting indeed! That bike is in fact a Baylis, built as requested as a replica of an Eddy Merckx Colnago of the early 70's. It is in fact un ridden and apprears to have a nice selection of parts attached.
I don't remember exactly when it was built, but some time in the early t o mid 90's I believe.
I'm curious to see how it goes. I don't think Craigslist is the best pla ce to sell that bike. And yes, one would think that someone selling such a machine would spell Colnago and Campagnolo correctly.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
Interesting Craig's List offering... Call me ignorant but isn't a bike made by Brian Bayles a Bayles and not a C olnago? There is a lot I don't know about bikes but the description o n t his one just doesn't sound right to me. Any info?
Guy Taylor Anaheim, CA USA
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