Be sure when shipping bikes that you are using a box with a 130 inch length and girth maximum. If you do so, shipping is more modest. For grins, I puched into the UPS system a box of this dimension going from Connecticut to Oregon. Cost was just under $70. And that was pretending I didn't have an account (which adds a few percent). FedX ground is usually less (but you can't insure anyting vintage with them - really - its true).
A standard bike box fits the 130 rule, but as I understand it, some companies are starting to ship in boxes that are larger. So be sure to meassure carefully. Just a bit of box buldging can double the cost as if you exceed the 130 rule you are in triple oversize and its very ugly.
Mike Kone in Boulder CO USA
> Gang
\r?\n> FWIW: I don't know where some of you are getting you pricing or you have
\r?\n> very tiny boxes. A full bike ie: Wheels, frame, handle bar (The whole
\r?\n> Shootin match) has always been around $120.00 to $140.00 and a frame only
\r?\n> has been around $30.00 to $40.00. And BTW I have been informed that pricing
\r?\n> is going up. That is from a UPS person I have been using for 10 years and I
\r?\n> know what he is charging other folks on shipping for items besides bikes and
\r?\n> he not jobbing me. The reason I know is I use another UPS person near my
\r?\n> house to bracket his pricing just to keep him inline.
\r?\n> Jack
\r?\n> --
\r?\n> Jack Gabus
\r?\n> Laguna Beach, CA