Assuming that cash was mailed unregistered and is therefore unrecoverable i n the event of loss, the answer as to who is liable depends entirely on whe ther Person A agreed that he/she would accept a cash payment from Person B by unregistered mail.
If Person A agreed to accept payment in this way, he/she was very unwise an d must bear the loss. If Person B sent unregistered cash without that agreement, then he must bear the loss.
However, one can envisage Person B having said something like "I'll send yo u the cash" to which Person A might have responded "Thanks". Person B might unwisely have interpreted this as agreement to send unregistered cas h. I would consider that Person B would still be liable in this situa tion.
Hugh Thornton
Cheshire, England
From: Dale Brown <> Subject: [CR]Ethical question as applies to Vintage bike parts transactions ... To: Date: Monday, 15 December, 2008, 4:54 PM
OK friends...
Here is a situation that we all could find ourselves in.
Two reliable, mature & honest CR members agree to a transaction.
Person A ships object to Person B & he receives it.
Person B sends the correct amount of cash to person A.
Person A does not receive payment, it is lost in the mail. A year long wait prove this...
Who is responsible for the loss? Who is "out", the seller or the buyer?
Dale Brown
Greensboro, North Carolina USA