How to go about this... The emphasis on collecting bikes as perceived via t
his site is racing bikes. Lightweights. So everybody has more or less the s
ame stuf, more or less prestgious, more or less expensive. It's all from 19
30 to 1980 or thereabouts. But there's the early stuff. "Vade retro" and al
l that stuff I hear, "that heavy junk is for guys like the wheelmen, and po
or Europeans". So what about this, early, say 1900-1910 racrs aren't exactl
y lightweight, but they are racing bikes nevertheless. Ever tried riding on
e ? I didn't, until today. A mind blowing experience. Got some pics and the
usual nonesense at the following link
Happy Christmas everybody !
Nick March, Agen, 47000 Lot et Garone, France