I recall the interesting and amusing (funny to me) story told by Brian Bayl is about his fork building experience with Mario Confente.
Hope I recall this correctly, but Brian was using one of Mario's forks as a n example for building up his own forks. After building several, Mario c ame back to check on the progress, saying these forks look really nice, but this single one is not up to par. Turns out the one that he didn't like was the one he built!
I think this story just goes to show that not one single builder is perfect , and that you cannot make a blanket statement about a builder's entire wor k as being the "best". Don't own a Confente, would like to own a Confente, but will have to wait u ntil the collecting curve hits the downside in the future to be able to aff ord one. Even if I never own one, sure that I have bikes that ride jus t as nice.
Have to agree strongly with Bill Talbot's post yesterday.........e.g., unfo rtunately many of the highly sought after machines never see any real road mileage, so how can they be fairly judged or ranked as some of the best??? Not fair to judge a book by its cover. Only wish we could do a Coke/ Pepsi style taste test on several bikes that have been claimed to be the "B EST" against some of the lesser respected brands --- possible to safely rid e a bike that has the frame fully masked under paper??? Naturally this c ouldn't be accomplished in the Cirque parking lot only.
I stand ready to road test any Confente in the local PA area in order to gi ve my unbiased opinion (are you listening George = LOL!). In my opinio n it is a sin to hang vintage beauties on a wall and not take them out on t he road as them were intended to be used. When I buy a bike that doesn't ride well on the road, I sell it regardless of the name found on it. Fo rtunately that hasn't happened to me with the bikes purchased aside from th e 1972 Raleigh Professional that I didn't care for at all (i.e., combined p oor build quality and horrible ride). Not judging all Raleighs unfairly due to this example, so you proud and loyal Raleigh owners should not get u pset with me.
For what it's worth, my humble road riding opinion.
Wishing all a Happy and Safe New Year!
Kevin Kruger - Grantville, PA