I love Tom Ritchey's road bikes. His lug work is really nice too, even though he is noted for his fillet brazing.
On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 8:36 PM, Kevin Kruger <ktk1_7_0_2_8@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Here's a link to a photos of Eric Heiden riding what is described as a fill
> et-brazed Tom Ritchey frame vs. one of the team issue Serotta built Murray
> frames. First photo frame bears the MURRAY headtube decal, but the secon
> d clearly shows the TR Ritchey headtube decal (note the brake levers are
> pantographed MURRAY in second photo).
> http://www.pbase.com/
> http://www.pbase.com/
> Lots of other great vintage race photos on this site taken by James Mason.
> Regards,
> Kevin Kruger - Grantville, PA=0A=0A=0A
> _______________________________________________
-- Noah J. Gellner New York, NY USA