Re: [CR]Cinelli Trade Show Photos and more for sale and more

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli)

From: <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Cinelli Trade Show Photos and more for sale and more
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 21:59:05 +0000

Hi CR folks,

Per request, here is a link to a page that shows the Cinelli trade show photo. This is the same image that Bicycle Classics sold a number of years ago (back when I used to own it). This time around the paper according to the lab is actually an even higher quality.

Mike Kone - Rene Herse Bicycles inc. Boulder CO USA

-------------- Original message --------------

> Hi CR folks,


\r?\n> Offered for sale - gorgeous 16 x 20" prints of what we believe was the Cinelli

\r?\n> booth at the 1958 Milan trade show. These gorgeous prints are on premium

\r?\n> photographic paper and printed by one of America's leading photograhpic labs.

\r?\n> The photograph shows Cinelli bikes, and some really cool wood display cases

\r?\n> showing all sorts of Cinelli stems and handlebars. The bikes include race,

\r?\n> track, and a few with fenders (and upright bars). You can spend crazy amounts

\r?\n> of time looking at the details, with such notables as a small sign pointing out

\r?\n> new Campagnolo pedals. This is ideal for framing of course and will perfect for

\r?\n> home or office. Price is $36


\r?\n> We also have in stock Cyclotourist 172.5mm arms (from most recent production) at

\r?\n> $219, track axle sets front and rear (your choice $44), the Challenge wide

\r?\n> clinchers (now $68), Jan Heine's books ($60ea), and have finally found more

\r?\n> Campy NR front deraillieur bodies ($14 ea).


\r?\n> Please visit to find details on these items.

\r?\n> You can order through or on-line store or simply email us, we'll confirm your

\r?\n> order and the shipping charge, and you can paypal or send a check.


\r?\n> Happy holidays!


\r?\n> Mike Kone - Rene Herse Bicycles Inc.