Re: [CR]Coppi-Fiorelli

(Example: Racing:Wayne Stetina)

Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 18:57:14 +0000 (GMT)
From: "Hugh Thornton" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Coppi-Fiorelli
To: Classic Rendezvous <>
In-Reply-To: <>

  I have failed to find any single good source of information for Coppi-Fiore lli bikes but there are lots of bits of information on the net that you can find that might help you date the bike if you can't already do so based on the equipment fitted to it.  There appears to have been a range of mo dels for most years of production, with the top of the range being the Camp ionissimo as far as I can determine, at least in some years it was.  M y own early 1960s Coppi Campionissimo has half-chrome forks and stays and c hrome panels on the seat tube, Campagnolo dropouts and came to me with a Ca mpagnolo Record crankset and Campagnolo Gran Sport derailleurs.  The C ampagnolo seat post is 27mm diameter, which makes me think the tubing is Co lumbus butted tubing like a Legnano of the same era which also ta kes a 27mm post.

Hugh Thornton
Cheshire, England

--- On Sun, 14/12/08, Mike Larsen wrote:

From: Mike Larsen <> Subject: [CR]Coppi-Fiorelli To: Date: Sunday, 14 December, 2008, 2:28 PM


Is there a source I can find out more about a Fiorelli bike that I recentl y aquired from my local bike shop unbeknowing to there knowledge that it was a gem. I got it for a real steal I guess I owe them for a while.

Mike Larsen
St. Paul, MN