Saturday, December 20, 2008, 9:13:41 PM, Todd Grantham wrote:
> I have only been a member of the list for a short time, but I just want
> to make sure everyone is aware of this awesome search site (not mine,
> but one I came across awhile ago) Just search for the brand you are
> looking for and boom all the ebay and craigslist you can stand!
> http://www.jaxed.com/
> il=&ys=&ye=&submit=++++go++++
I could be missing something but I was not very impressed. A search for "hetchins" turned up exactly one result - an eBay listing - which upon further investigation turned out to have expired. A regular eBay search at the same time yielded at least one live listing for a frame on eBay Canada, and another one on eBay UK. So I'm not that sure of that site's awesomeness... sorry.
Dmitry Yaitskov,
Toronto, Canada.