Re: [CR]Ebay ethics, last minute bidding, sniping etc....

(Example: Books)

Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 14:59:42 -0800 (PST)
From: "Derek Willburn" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Ebay ethics, last minute bidding, sniping etc....
In-Reply-To: <>

Sniping has nothing to do with it. If you get beaten on ebay, it's because someone else was willing to pay more than you -pretty simple. Derek Willburn Long Beach, CA USA

--- Bianca Pratorius wrote:

> After losing three auctions in a row, being outbid
> in the last five
> seconds each time, I've had it. I joined the crowd
> but I must say, I
> really don't like it. Ebay has changed so much over
> the last two years.
> About that time, I noticed that people would bid up
> the item mostly
> during the last hour. The next year it seemed that
> items were getting
> bid up during the last fifteen minutes. This year
> it's gotten worse -
> much worse. Even newbies to ebay are using special
> software which
> enables them to get an advantage over guys that
> played by the rules
> (like me). Today I became an card carrying sniper.
> My bids will be
> placed electronically and it will be my guy's
> computer software against
> theirs. So what's changed? Nothing, we just upped
> the ante like
> countries building up nuclear arsenals to combat the
> other guy's
> arsenals. And by the way this business about late
> winter being the
> season where people buy items to get ready for
> spring therefore the
> prices rise. They do, but my experience is that they
> don't go down
> again. They just rise. Bah! $800 for a cracked
> (possibly irreparably)
> seat lugged Masi 3V with Dura Ace? Thank goodness
> there are list
> members like Charles Nighbor who are still willing
> to give a guy a good
> deal on an old bike. Thanks to him but I'm ready to
> give up on ebay ...
> until I need something badly ... again.
> Garth Libre in Miami Fl USA
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