Yes you can have it just welded or replace the whole thing if you can find a match to the drop out or replace both. Steven Willis The Bike Stand 1778 East Second Street Scotch Plains NJ 07076 908-322-3330
> Dear CR List Members,
> I purchased a 1982 VINER lugged steel frame.
> I've noticed it has a cracked rear dropout.
> The frame is made with Columbus tubing.
> The rear drop outs are generic (NOT CAMPAGNOLO).
> The crack is small.
> I've made inquiries locally about having the dropout replaced.
> Can a dropout be WELDED,TO REPAIR the rear dropout???
> What is the best and safest practice to follow in repairing a broken
> rear drop out?
> Thanks!
> Yours truly,
> Marty Walsh in Vienna,Virginia,USA