Re: [CR]Fwd: NAHBS

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2002)

From: "Ed Braley" <>
To: "Tom Dalton" <>, "Classic Rendezvous" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Fwd: NAHBS
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 14:20:40 -0500

I see it quite differently, and positively so: NAHBS is like an art show. Of course many of these bikes aren't standard fare, and perhaps they're not meant for the average guy.

The NAHBS show is artistic. It's a chance for the builders to let their imaginations run wild, to be creative and do something they want to do - even if they do pick up on the urban fixed gear or the modern French delivery bike themes. And the couplers and internal hubs are part of that too.

These bikes are interesting, fascinating, in fact. NAHBS is the American version of the European Super Car exhibits, or the New York Art and Fashion shows. It's the leading edge of the artform. Most of us like to look at Fine Art, Super Cars and Super Model women, too. Of course most of us aren't going to buy that artwork, those cars, or date those women.

But the NAHBS bikes aren't out of reach for many of us, and we should appreciate them for what they are: attainable, rideable, works of art. There are some great ideas on display in extraordinary form. These custom machines may inspire manufacturers to incorporate some of their design elements into future production offerings, just as it's done in the Automotive, Art, and Fashion industries.

I wish that I'd been able to go to NAHBS. I would have found it to be a humbling and yet enlightening experience to see these bikes and meet their creators. These people are the Masters of the Art of the Hand Built Bicycle.

Ed Braley
Falmouth, Maine

----- Original Message -----
From: Tom Dalton
To: Classic Rendezvous
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 12:44 PM
Subject: [CR]Fwd: NAHBS

> Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 09:44:10 -0800 (PST)
> From: Tom Dalton <>
> Subject: NAHBS
> To:
> Mark Stonich wrote:
> At this event you want to be noticed, have everyone posting photos of your bikes.
> Mark,
> Based on the pics I viewed, I have to agree that there's a whole lotta "lookit me" going on a NAHBS. The sad result is that everyone is being different in the same way. The requiremenst of disc brakes notwithstanding, I think I'll barf if I see one more silly "custom" droput. What is this, OC Choppers? Dumb question I guess, because that TV show was very popular, and what would make the attendees of NAHBS any more sophisticated than the folks at Bike Week? The whole single-speed and internal-geared thing seemed very tired about 10 minutes into looking through the pics. Ditto the S&S couplers, and the gratutious retro touches such as wooden rims, shellaced cloth tape and Brooks saddles (they have their place, but...). Just how big is the US market for four-figure delivery bikes, utility bikes, kids bikes, monster tired single speed MTBs etc? It seems that almost every builder was showing anything but a practical bike for serious riding. Don't get me wrong, I'm
> all in favor of more bikes being available to meet the needs of commuters, and to therby encourge people to use bikes for practical purposes, but how many people are riding around SF or NYC on a $5000 paperboy bike? If there are many, what should I take away from this? I guess "bikes is cheap" compared to cars, but I doubt that it's the car-less dedicated commuter who buys a custom titanium one speed.
> If they are truly representative of what US hand builders are selling, the offerings at NAHBS, or at least those highlighted in the Wool Jersey gallery, tell a sad story. That story is that basic high perfomance steel frames are very nearly extinct. This makes some sense, since CF and AL may be slightly better for all-out performance, but what is left for the rider who wants a nice go-fast bike, and perhaps a custom bike, but simply loves steel. Maybe it's nostalgia, or maybe it's something deeper, but some guys want go-fast steel bikes, and the high end-market seems targeted squarely at the wealthy urban hip.
> At about the 80th Wool Jersey pic is saw a beautifully executed standard road dropiut that really caught my eye with it's elevated points. It reminded me of a nice Tomassini, though exaggerated.
> Turned out to be Richard Sach's work. There were a few other bike pictured that looked like functional performance bikes, but very few, and there seemed to be a few nice touring/brevt bikes, but again, justt a few. The "track bikes" were mostly street fixies. Just what flame is being kept? It's kinda sad.
> Tom Dalton
> Bethlehem, PA USA
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