Re: [CR]NAHBS 2008 Report, Rene Herse

(Example: Production Builders:Tonard)

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 21:02:32 -0500
From: "Michael Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]NAHBS 2008 Report, Rene Herse
In-reply-to: <>
To: Dan Kehew <>, "" <>
Thread-topic: [CR]NAHBS 2008 Report, Rene Herse
Thread-index: AchvdtMvEYqaWdtqEdy3SQAWy8lbaw==

Hi Dan,

If I was ordering a new Herse, I would prefer the bike to have its transfers limited to "Rene Herse". The fact that I know that it was made by Mark, is sufficient for me. Same thing with the paint job by Baylis. No sticker please. I am kind of a "less is more" person.


Mike Schmidt Stirling, NJ USA

On 2/14/08 3:07 AM, "Dan Kehew" <> wrote:
>> That's one talented man.
> ... and so forth, written by...
>> Brian Baylis
>> La Mesa, CA
> Now THAT's a testimonial.
> Rather than let this lie as a forbidden "attaboy," the following is
> straight cut-n-paste from a message I wrote to CR back in June. There
> was at the time some discussion appropriate use of the name "Rene
> Herse" given that individual named Rene Herse remains as dead as
> Generalissimo Francisco Franco. I wrote:
> "So the Rene Herse marque has a following. It represents something
> greater than an individual person despite the fact that (in a language
> sense) it is made up of a first name and a last name. A lot of things,
> and many people's efforts, have gone into the marque's development.
> And just like the name Masi still sells bikes, so will the name Rene
> Herse still sell bikes."
> "Let's take another angle: Must Mark only sell bikes called Mark
> Nobilette? Why? If not, why not call them Rene Herse if he has
> permission to use that marque and, strictly as a bonus, aspires to a
> comparable standard?"
> "Just me, but I'd love to see the new Rene Herse bikes come with a Mark
> Nobilette signature transfer. It's not like Mike and Mark appear
> interested in hiding who's actually doing the fabrication, nor should
> they need to given who's doing the fabrication!"
> Now, in 2008 and regretting that circumstances prevented my attendance
> in Portland, I'll ask what I couldn't confirm in person: Is there a
> Nobilette signature on these bikes? I still think there should be,
> because I still think doing so adds value for reasons eloquently
> described by Brian.
> Dan Kehew
> Davis, CA USA