Re: [CR]VeloBase & Copyrights, etc etc

(Example: Racing)

References: <BLU135-W439A750EF37CEAC0B35C2E85210@phx.gbl> <BAY109-W41B2C5C726BBB39BF354EC9C210@phx.gbl> <BLU135-W2347968A9A03EE9CD770AF85220@phx.gbl>
Subject: Re: [CR]VeloBase & Copyrights, etc etc
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 21:12:52 -0500
From: <>

Hello again,

Along with all the technicalities of copyright and publishing, we should und erstand that Jon Fischer never intended to bypass anyone's rights.

We should also remember that both he and wooljersey are performing an invalu able service to us all. The sheer effort and diligence of compiling, organiz ing, and publishing all that information boggles my own admittedly overtaxed mind.

I would like to say "Thank You" to both. And remember as well that we are al l human and prone to the occassional, albeit unintentional, trespass. Let us all be understanding as well as enthusiastic.

Chris Wimpey

San Diego, CA 

Still the best riding weather...

-----Original Message----- From: Jon Fischer <> To: Sent: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 5:38 pm Subject: [CR]VeloBase & Copyrights, etc etc

CR List:

I have just spoken at a decent fair length with Mr. Broderick about this issue, he and I have come to an understanding about what the best course of action will be for the catalogs in question on I will be re vamping my Catalog page on to include links back to his WoolJe rsey albums where these catalogs are currently being hosted with proper not ation to the companies who do hold the copyright to these catalogs and publ ications. These changes should hopefully be completed in the next week or less, though with my surgery scheduled for mid-week it may be a touch longe r.

Secondly, it has become obvious that I have had some failure in the due d illigence as owner and developer of to insure that photos and information submitted on the site are free of any potential copyright issue s. I have done my best to contact ebay auction sellers for permission for photos from their auctions, but did not always follow up on content that wa s emailed to me for submission or posted by others with the fairly clear 'c amera' watermark typical of photos from ebay.

For this reason, I wish to start a list of CR member's ebay id's that exte nd their approval to use photos from their auctions on I hav e already started a list for myself of ebay users who I have contacted myse lf and have given approval, but feel that this may be a benifit for future additions to the site. is, and as long as I can afford to mai ntain it, will always be a free resource for vintage cycling enthusiasts. My only goal is to give us all a place to reference photos and information about components which we may have passing through our hands, or falling in to our laps. Additionally, I pledge to never add any photos nor informatio n from any auction before it's successful conclusion. Thus no fear of find ing your photos on the site before your auction actually ends. At least by my doing.

Thank you all for your contacts on and off list on this matter. Perhaps i n the back of my mind I knew something like this was bound to arise due to the nature of I hope we can all agree on the course of actio n that benefits us all with the sharing of knowledge and information in a l egal and moral way. This I believe is my 4th email to the list today, so t his will be my last word on this at least until the morning. If anyone wan ts to supply their ebay IDs for my 'approved' list (which will not be publi shed online by the way), please contact me off list. Thank you.

Jon Fischer Dallas, Tx

The Greatest Trophy of all is the sense of Accomplishment http://velobase.c
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