Dear Classic Rendezvous - Trying to install this baby on my '58 Ideor Asso road bike with much fru stration! The Grand Sport"matchbox" front changer has a solid steel bod y and chromed steel clamp (neither of which bend at all). The 1 1/8" cla mp diameter is just too small for the 1 3/16" diameter seat tube on the Ideor.
The angled clamp bolts seem to allow some adjustment - but - I don't wan t to dig the sides of the clamp into my new paint job - and don't want t o crush the seat tube!
Were there other Campy Grand Sport front changers that could accomodate
a 1 3/16" dia seat tube? Is there something I'm doing wrong?
Ideor used Campy Grand Sport gear change for their bikes of this era, bu
t hey I can't see the guy at the Ideor factory in Savona, Italy in 1958
going through this!
Bill Ungar
Torrance, CA