Re: [CR]Montelatici

(Example: Events:BVVW)

Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 12:18:32 -0400
From: "Michael Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Montelatici
In-reply-to: <>
To: Harry Schwartzman <>, Classic Rendezvous <>
Thread-topic: [CR]Montelatici
Thread-index: AciNyrPU8ienjPm9EdyHjQAWy8lbaw==


First let me say it is a beautiful bicycle.

There are actually 15 frames now in the USA. Matteo held back one for himself and eventually decided to sell it. In December 2005, I purchased that frame and sent it out to Brian Baylis for paint and decals.

We should track who has these bikes. I know that Baylis has a couple, Freitas has one, so does Ann Peters and Dale Brown. Les Himel sold his and I think it went to Vlad Luskin.

To my knowledge, none of the bikes had serial numbers.

Mike Schmidt Stirling, NJ USA

On 3/24/08 10:45 AM, "Harry Schwartzman" <> wrote:
> I am offering this Montelatici Special exclusively to list members.
> For those not familiar with these bikes, Montelatici possibly had these bikes
> built for him by his old friend Cinelli. Years later our Matteo Brandi found
> them at Montelatici's shop in Firenze and sent fourteen bare, unfinished
> frames over to the States to be offered to the CR list. There is a full
> history on the CR website.
> So as not to disturb the exclusivity of this bike I am offering it only to
> list members.
> This one was painted and chromed by Ed Litton and looks beautiful. Has a Campy
> Nuovo Record grouppo, High flange hubs, VIp matching ar wrap and seat, Fiame
> red label rims, ITM bar and stem.
> The frame is 53cm square.
> pictures are here:
> 2500 plus shipping buys it, paypal preferred.
> Regards,
> Harry Schwartzman
> Woodside, NY USA
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