you rascal you !
i only had enough dosh to get two of those santinis (sp) wool jerseys back then. i had the willing, but not the $ .
as for the vet bill for my cat, that's another matter. just look in her eyes. oh well.
but what i would give for some yellow kirtland rear bags, now that's another story.
robert, clair the fool
alexandria, va 22308
> writes:
>> wish it was still 1993 or so for these prices !.
> On another list, the 1983 Richard Sachs frame from the Sep/Oct 1983 issue
> of
> Bicycling is for sale. I went to that issue. Here is what several
> notable
> frames/forks were selling for in 1983:
> Columbine: $1195
> Bruce Gordon Chinook: $500
> Richard Sachs: $750
> Brian Baylis: $1995
> Cinelli: $850
> Anyone care to fill in the blanks for 2008, 25 years later?
> Lou Deeter, Orlando FL USA
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