Re: [CR]My new KOF, Maldoror

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli)

From: <"">
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 06:25:28 GMT
Subject: Re: [CR]My new KOF, Maldoror


SM really put in a LOT of time and effort and a ton of heart and soul in to that bike. Just his 4th frame so far! More bikes will be coming down the pipes. Carlos just scored the custom built frame jig that is the sis ter of my frame jig. It previously belonged to Ted Kirkbride of Masi; an d Ted built lots of Masis and special customs on this fixture. He is now very close to completely set to produce custom frames of his own using his own equipment. Watch out, world!

If you would like to see Maldoror frames and meet Carlos Martell in pers on, perhaps now is the time to mentally plan on coming to San Diego for the Custom Framebuilders Show in April 2009. We're all going to be there . Special guests from foreign continents and esoteric exotic displays of private collections are being planned as we speak (and our tiny little fingers plunk away at the keyboard).

Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA Building San Diego's first drag racing Bentley.

-- "Dan Kehew" wrote:

Sir Maldoror doing a very funky take on the constructeur bicycle, right down to that French kit. Custom racks showing no seams, the integrated rear brake cable hangar.... That's a show horse.

-- Dan Kehew Davis California USA

On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 7:11 PM, trevor segraves <> wr ote:
> Thought everyone might enjoy a few pic of my new Sir Maldoror.
> I hope the link works, Im a slight tard when it comes to coputers.
> The bike was custom built and painted by Sir Maldoror himself, aka Ca rlos Martell. Carlos did an amazing job, the bike is a blast. Built prim arily with NOS stuff, Simplex derailures, Mafac brakes. Tons of custom d etaling. Alot of fun.
> Cheers
> Trevor Segraves
> Lake Forest Ca
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