[CR]Cirque Update - April 08

(Example: Framebuilding:Brazing Technique)

Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 10:48:10 -0500
From: "Wayne Bingham" <blkmktbks@gmail.com>
To: classicrendezvous <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]Cirque Update - April 08

Well, its almost April anyway. And that means that it's just 10 short weeks until the Cirque. My how time flies. The web site was just updated, so thought it was time to post an update here on the CR list, and beat the bushes again.


We have just shy of about 70 people registered so far. A trend that I noted in the last update, but one that bears repeating, is that there are lots of spouses (significant others, whatever) in the registrants. Mostly for the Banquet, but for a lot for other events as well. If you want a slot, now's the time to get registered. Besides, don't forget that the rates go up on 5/5/08. That's just 5 weeks away!

We now have electronic registration available through BikeReg.com. The links are on the Cirque site. There are two different BikeReg links, one for the full event, and another for vendor registration for the Sunday swap only. Be sure you choose the right one. There's also still a print and mail option for the full event (which we still perfer), but Sunday only registrants only have the on-line option. One person has said that they had a problem with the on-line registration, but a few others have registered since, so I believe its good to go. Please let me know if you experience any problems. There will likely be a little more of a delay getting on-line registrants into our "signup" page on the site too, because it takes longer for us to extract and compile the sign-up info from BikeReg.

Our schedule page has been updated, so you can now get a better sense of things, particularly the Seminar series.

Likewise, our FAQ page has been updated to reflect some of the things people have been asking. One of the big things that seems to be on a lot of peoples minds is the Sunday Show, how it will be organized, and how awards will be handled. I'll have more to say about that soon, but for now the FAQs can give you the gist of it.

We are happy to announce that we have also entered into a partnership, of sorts, with Plum Grove Cyclery to provide some support for us. Plum Grove is a small, but very nice shop located about 2 miles or so from the Best Western Hotel. It is run almost entirely by it's two owners, Mike and Tom. Being a small shop, Plum Grove can't really offer us any space, but they can offer a work stand and technical support if needed. (We will also have a work stand or two, as well as basic tools, at the hotel for loan). The biggest thing that Plum Grove is providing is re-shipping support. For anyone that needs boxing/packing services, their standard $45 fee applies, which includes a box and packing the bike. Shipping is at Plum Grove's wholesale USP cost, whether they pack the bike or you just drop off your boxed bike for shipment. We'll try and work out some shuttle arrangements to get boxed bikes to the shop. Check out Plum Grove here: http://www.plumgrovecyclery.com/

That's about it for now.


Wayne Bingham
Lovettsville Virginia USA