re: [CR]Kevin and the Gloria in exess

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli:Laser)

Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 07:04:29 -0800 (PST)
From: "Kevin Moran" <>
Subject: re: [CR]Kevin and the Gloria in exess

The "no sense" part comes in because, as far as I know, there is no precedent on eBay for a Gloria frame (just a frame) selling for anywhere near that much. If anyone knows differently, I'd love to know. But three months ago I paid the same seller $3K for a complete Gloria Garibaldina in better condition. I bought 2 bare frames last year on eBay in rough condition -- one with almost a full set of parts that I'd planned to use on this frame -- for $1600 and $1500, respectively. Given this admittedly limited set of data ponts, yes, $5,400 falls well outside of what I had assumed it would cost me to win the day.

Cheers, -kevin

Kevin Moran Bloomington, Indiana USA
> I'm not so sure what to make of your post; you wonder
> about the price it fetched and why it did. Then you
> say you were runner up; that means you were willing to
> pay "almost twice what I paid" for the complete one.
> Where does the "no sense" part come in?
> greetz,
> kim

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