... actually list member jerry moos has the long sleeve one. now that's one even we would like. robert ----- Original Message ----- From: kenneth denny To: Robert Clair Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 5:34 PM Subject: Re: Cycles Wolf jersey
Becuae there is probably only one person on the planet with a Wolf team cycle. I'll trade you for a Brooklyn if you wanna style in style.
Robert Clair <r.clair@cox.net> wrote: ... thanks but this is a keeper. asked alex why no repeats on the better issues. no interest there, especially for the front pockets. oh well. rc-
----- Original Message ----- From: kenneth denny To: r.clair@cox.net Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2008 5:04 PM Subject: Cycles Wolf jersey
Do you have the Cycles Wolf jersey? I think I'm the only person on the planet with a Wolf cycle (1938 model Tour d'Swisse). Any chance of selling or trading for it? (depending on size).
Thx Ken
... sorry no. i believe alex only did a run of only some hundred or so these early ones.
hot f... dog (sorry). this discussion made me dig around and i found a swiss yellow cycles wolf, the one with the man-tit pockets also from alex. off to the recumbent bike at the gym tomorrow.
someone else must have bought these sweet things.
roberto alexandria, va 22308
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