Re: [CR]Re: sign politely and go ride

(Example: Framebuilders:Jack Taylor)

From: "Robert Clair" <>
To: <>, <>
References: <W7135611350144881205871419@webmail1>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: sign politely and go ride
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 15:44:20 -0500

... sorry but i wondered about that one to ... must be an age thing then ... but i thought those "(_)/(_)" symbols meant the sender had big tits.

i also needed help yesterday getting an ipod up and going to go to rehab. would not have been able to do it on my own without a youngster from work. oh well.

and i have no deal with the youngsters at rehab. we're all in the same boat on that one ... the other day i mentioned that elliot spitz out to stop thinking with the small head, and staring thinking with the big head. it was a low key comment, i thought, but all the kids broke up who overheard it.

robert clair alexandria, va 22308 sore as a dickens tonight in the left inner side.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 3:16 PM
Subject: [CR]Re: sign politely and go ride

> Wow.
> I'm a relative newby, have posted questions and received superb,prompt, c
> ourteous, and informative answers from posters across(around?) the planet
> .
> Lurking in the background during the, er, 'discussions' about signage Ith
> ought for a moment I'd stumbled into a University committee meeting:
> you know the old adage, "The fights are so bitter because the issues are
> so small."
> Then, at the end of one of my daily copiled bunches of CR posts was this
> from Sarah G.:
> sarahgibsonkansacitymissouriusa
> ** __@ ** = \<._ *** (_)/ (_) well behaved women rarely make history_ri
> de
> yr friggin bicycle_
> in the guise of 'you've got to be this [] smart (tall - think kidscarniva
> l ride) to be here, her singoff may be non-standard but I'd hopeall here
> can parse the bits and figure out where she is.
> And the "shut up & ride" message is absolutely on point.
> Thanks, Dale, fer puttin up with us and having this site so I could learn
> how to rebuild some great old bikes.
> For the grouches, relax - it's cabin fever after a long winter. Bestcure
> is to get out & ride. And as cruddy as the New Hampshirespring has been s
> o far, I'm taking out a '74 Gitane that's a singlespeed I rebuilt (short
> clean-up) in spite of the slush.
> sheesh.
> Bob Hillery
> Stratham, New Hampshire, USA
> (head north from Boston - that'd be the Colonial one for those of youwho
> tolerated the other George the Third longer than we did ..., justbefore t
> he Maine border make a quick left (west) - count to about 120and stop. do
> n't blink, you'll miss us.)