[CR]Gold Condor

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing)

From: "Larry Hakim" <larryhakim@hotmail.com>
To: <lee@wheelman.com>, <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 07:49:01 -0500
In-Reply-To: <2652519.1205898067876.JavaMail.root@web04>
References: <2652519.1205898067876.JavaMail.root@web04>
Subject: [CR]Gold Condor

Been awhile since I've posted here but discussions about Condors always dra w me out of the woodwork!

Lee's comments were interesting. Back in 75/76 I took delivery of a pair of Condors I had gone to their shop to get fitted for: a road bike with crite rium geometry, and a track bike, both based on their Italia models. My memo ry is vague about the finish ordered--I either deferred to Monty Young on t he finish question or else he talked me into getting the bikes plated. Eith er way when the bikes arrived stateside and I (carefully) tore open the shi pping boxes I was was stunned by what I saw--the road bike was "satin plate d" which looked like a brushed pewter/aluminum finish (for reference see Da le Brown's satin chrome Bill Hurlow) while the track bike was bronze plated which for all the world looked like gold plating. The rims and campy seat post were black which contrasted nicely with the bronze/gold color. I still have the bikes too although the road bike is being restored. One of thes e days I'll have to take and post pictures of them.

Incidently, my fascination with Condors was also trigered by that Condor w /the chromed fork stays and lugs on the cover of Richard's Bike book!

Larry Hakim Oxford, MS _________________________________________________________________ Helping your favorite cause is as easy as instant messaging. You IM, we g ive. http://im.live.com/Messenger/IM/Home/?source=text_hotmail_join