On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 2:48 PM, Jerome & Elizabeth Moos
<jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> This project keeps bringing up issues of the transition from O(n)T to
> O(ff)T. I'm trying to find an Italian BB that will work with C-Record arms.
> I believe C-Record double axles were 109 or 111 mm.. Were the early
> Off-Topic Campy BB's, like C-Record, Victory and Triomphe compatible with
> the NR/SR stuff aside from axle length? That is, can you use NR/SR cups
> with a C-Record era axle and vice versa?
C-Record BBs 1985-90 used 3/16" balls 14 per cage, same as Super Record Titanium. Later C-Record used 11 7/32". Virtually all on-topic Campagnolo BBs aside from SR Ti use 11 1/4" balls. No parts using different ball sizes interchange. I'm not sure about Victory/Triomphe though, those might sometimes interchange with older stuff and Victory at least looks to me like full Record quality.
Kurt Sperry
Bellingham, Washington