Re: [CR]Hello; Zeus brake hoods

(Example: Framebuilding:Paint)

Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 09:10:17 -0800
From: <>
To: Kerry Rapp <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Hello; Zeus brake hoods
References: <>
In-Reply-To: <>


Robert Shackelford San Jose, CA

Quoting Kerry Rapp <>:
> Hello Everyone!
> My name is Kerry Rapp from Pennsylvania and I own a bike I had custom built
> for me while I was studying in Spain(1976-77) for my degree in Spanish Edu
> cation. The frameset was built-to-measure by Macario Llorente in Madrid wi
> th Colombus SL (or SP?) tubing. The team mechanic of an aquaintance who ra
> ced out of Alicante, ordered the frame and built it up using all ZEUS 2000
> components (2001 sp brakes), Cinelli 1A stem and model 64 bars. The rear d
> erailleur pulleys were replaced with red anodized Bullseye sealed-bearing p
> ulleys. Cables were also replaced with Easy-Glide teflon lined cables (I w
> on them in a contest). It is currently in need of much attention and ridin
> g. It has been repainted twice and currently is a 3-color fade- silver met
> . to charcaol met. to black (bottom to top).
> My previous ride (my first "10 speed") was a ZEUS Competition equipped wit
> h the steel Alfa components.
> I am in need of brake lever hoods for the ZEUS 2000 levers. Does anyone ha
> ve/know of a source for any ZEUS or compatible hoods? The originals were g
> um rubber.
> I was excited to find CR and look forward to future interactions!
> Kerry Rapp
> Myerstown, Pennsylvania
> United States (EE.UU.)
> --
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