Sky Blue Pink, ok?
Who gives a hoot. If anything, the respondents showed diversified taste.
Mike Schmidt Stirling, NJ USA
On 4/22/08 9:59 PM, "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <>
> Well, there is brown and there is brown.
> Here is my Austro-Daimler Superleicht on the CR website, Originally tan,
> but the late Ray Gasorowski, builder of Romic Cycles, repainted it chocolate
> brown but preserving the tan on panels with the original decals. Personally,
> I like it, but maybe that's only because it reminds me of Ray.
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Big Spring, Texas, USA
> wrote:
> This has been eating at me for some time now. There are many colors that I
> do not like on classic bikes. Many come from that period of cultural
> confusion the 80s where the two tone, fade one into another really made
> for some horrible combinations. Still my worse ever single color for a
> classic bicycle is brown. I don't care if it is metallic brown, opaque,
> root beer. Brown is brown and does not enhance either the chrome, the
> saddles or the tires.
> There, I got it off my chest, now let the pro brown group chime in.
> Ray Homiski
> Elizabeth, NJ