Clearly you're correct, but I haven't yet heard an explanation for the color name that makes sense.
John Barry
Mechanicsburg, PA, USA
> >I think the term "blue mink" is a misnomer. I
> bought an NOS '79 Pro in '81
> >and along with it some touch up paint which was labeled
> "Pro Blue". The '79
> >and '80 catalogs list the color as steel blue. The
> earlier catalogs list
> >the brown bikes as "mink".
> >
> > Norm Lafleur
> > Ashfield, Ma.
> > USA
> I have to disagree here.
> see:
> Clearly they refer to the blue as "Blue Mink"
> Pete Geurds
> Douglassville, Pa. USA
> _______________________________________________
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