[CR]Moser bike......NOT!Official Sammontana team bike,YES!(mistery solved)

(Example: Framebuilders:Doug Fattic)

References: <F4BC1A9F-8991-48CF-B552-078D0B963C97@tin.it>
From: "matteo brandi" <bees.bfg@tin.it>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 19:30:31 +0200
To: CR List <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]Moser bike......NOT!Official Sammontana team bike,YES!(mistery solved)


\r?\n> Hollenbergs,Stones,Heines et al



\r?\n> Regardin Moser Benotto track bike,well,the bik eis now on th ehands

\r?\n> of the wife of Moser ex -manager,brakes have been mounted on,,and

\r?\n> derailleurs added....unaware wife uses it to go back and forth on

\r?\n> th ehome-beach-home trail,somehwere in some beachtown along the coast.

\r?\n> After few visits,calls and emails,mistery is solved.I emailed

\r?\n> mr.Moser and the daughter told me to send the pix i had.She had

\r?\n> Francesco checkin them,and she replied that his father doesnt

\r?\n> remember such bike,but shes not able to tell if the bike has been

\r?\n> repainted, but she does indeed knows the person i got them from.I

\r?\n> decided then to go make a visit to the previous owner,for more

\r?\n> details.I asked to be more precise about the years moser rode with

\r?\n> that bike(Turned out that MOser rode for his father,but not with

\r?\n> that team or bike),if the bike where ordered etc.He gave me a quick

\r?\n> history about his years as personal mechanic for Bitossi with the

\r?\n> Filotex team,how the father managed various pros over the years

\r?\n> till late 90s early 2000 IIRC.He told me that "moser rode for his

\r?\n> father"(Didnt i tell you so?he went...."NO!!" i told him,"you

\r?\n> flooded my brain with thousand stories and data!i wasnt really able

\r?\n> to think that day!)He confirmed me that bike belonged to Raniero

\r?\n> GRADI (and that explaint the extra wheelset i got ,that is labelled

\r?\n> with a gradi label on the hub barrels)I never heard fo Gradis

\r?\n> before,so it thought that the smaller bike belonged to him,when i

\r?\n> first saw them.Man,was i wrong!Gradis bike is what i thought was a

\r?\n> Moser,meanwhile,the smaller,belonged to Argentin.He told me,that

\r?\n> the bikes were ordered directly to derosa(fact confirmed by

\r?\n> Cristiano on a later call).and that the bike i have ,are the

\r?\n> official Sammontana team ones(or at least,part of them)I asked the

\r?\n> guy to call his father,but he tells me that his father is out

\r?\n> somewhere on beachtown,and that he will try tomorrow(yesterday)

\r?\n> Conversation couldnt last too long,as he was busy working,but i

\r?\n> thought that what i had from him,and his future call to his

\r?\n> dad,would clear things out a bit more.After that visit i went

\r?\n> home,and called mr derosa for more infos(I will here connect with

\r?\n> what Jan heine said in a previous email,that th e customers get

\r?\n> pissed if he feels like is not being cared of etc).I call

\r?\n> Cristiano,and then,as we start the conversation,i feel like hes

\r?\n> busy,but again,i just need 5 mins of his time.I asked about Gradi

\r?\n> and Argentin ,riding for derosa.YEs he say,yours is Gradis bike,and

\r?\n> im not sure about the smaller one thoughmbecuz i have no tracking

\r?\n> for the bikes.Oh thats something!He told me that bike were made for

\r?\n> that team by derosa,as derosa was "sponsor tecnico"(bike supplier

\r?\n> in this case) for the sammontana team(my mind went to his msg,

\r?\n> where he states that the bike i have was used by moser)"Why u told

\r?\n> me that the bike i have was used by moser?" i wanted to ask,i

\r?\n> simply "guess" that he got confused with MOSER racin with a derosa

\r?\n> in the 70s and me owning THAT derosa,that was once owned by Moser

\r?\n> 's manager).Cherry on top,its the final call to the previous

\r?\n> owner ,to listen to what his father had to say regardin the

\r?\n> bikes."Matteo,you bustin my balls!"he exclaimed laughin!I laughed

\r?\n> back saying"I want to hear the last opinion,talk to me!"He goes"You

\r?\n> have Gradis and Argentin bikes,are you happy now?"Finally,i had the

\r?\n> final answer!Suddenly he keeps talkin and says"Regardin Moser track

\r?\n> bike,the Benotto,well,the bike is now on the hands of my father's

\r?\n> wife,brakes have been mounted on,and derailleurs added...."(unaware

\r?\n> wife uses it to go back and forth on the home-beach-home

\r?\n> trail,somehwere in some beachtown along the coast)


\r?\n> Hope this makes things clear for all,please,if you have questions

\r?\n> or something to say,please keep it onlist,doesnt happy everyday to

\r?\n> discuss about some official pro team bike,,Thanx for all who

\r?\n> contacted me,with advice etc.A pic of Gradi can be seen here,even

\r?\n> if ridin a road bike:



\r?\n> <http://www.dewielersite.net/db2/wielersite/beeldfiche.php?

\r?\n> beeldid=4372>



\r?\n> Thanx again



\r?\n> Matteo Brandi Firenze Italia