I think you guys need to make a distinction between Workshop-built and Ilkeston-built frames. I'll be the first to agree that some of the Workshop stuff was as crappy as any old PX-10 ;-) . However, the Ilkeston frames were a different story entirely. While not much time was spent filing/shaping lugs (these were production bikes after all) these were still well-built frames with a true racing pedigree. Brian, tell us about the build quality of some other sought-after Italian frames. Some famous nameplates weren't always paragons of frame-building virtue either, were they? And I've heard aspersions cast at the build quality of some high-dollar French steel as well. I think it a little unfair to trash all things Raleigh because some Internationals and Super Courses were thrown together poorly. Plus, it is a historical fact that riders on Ilkeston-built Raleighs thrashed their competition in the late1970's/early 1980's.
George Allen Lexington, Ky USA
brianbaylis@juno.com wrote:
> Dean,
> I have to agree with you. 70's Raleighs are my choice for the worst cons
> truction of any frame that we commonly see and know. I'd take a PX-10 ov
> er a Raleigh in a heartbeat, insofar as construction goes. I've seen a g
> ood number of Raleigh Pro frames that were tack brazed at the DT/BB junc
> tion and ST/BB junction but never got the rest of the braze material add
> ed. All kinds of other stuff too.
> Raleigh is my last choice for a bicycle. Sorry guys.
> Brian Baylis
> La Mesa, CA
> -- dean 53x13 <dpcowboy54@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I know there is a certain appeal to these old Raleigh Pro and Internatio
> nal frames, but really, people, and I know this is MY OPINION only, whic
> h may not be worth much...but they are not a good value. These bikes wer
> e pretty poorly brazed....I worked in Raleigh shops for years as a teena
> ger and college student, and we had a lot of bad ones. They rode okay, b
> ut on the stiff and dull side, at least IMHO.
> Just two cents.
> Dean Patterson
> Alpine, CA USA
> Peter Naiman <hetchinspete1@yahoo.com> wrote: Jack; I was cruising the w
> eb doing my usual Hetchin's search and noticed the advert which I think
> you're referring to. Below is the URL to the advert on Craigslist.
> http://boston.craigslist.org/
> I called as well and if the bike is mint why the seller using a stock
> photo on Craigslist, and
> willing to email photos. He might be honest, but seems a bit fishy. Pl
> us the advert has been around for a while. The only way to buy is if you
> know someone close by who could check out the bike and purchase it for
> you. My thoughts !!
> Peter Naiman
> Milwaukee, WI USA
> Jackson Kokeny wrote:
> Careful with this one. If the fluctuation in model year and list price
> isn't
> enough of a red flag, I offered the guy $700 (this was on the 1974 $1,00
> 0
> version from a few weeks ago). He accepted and I haven't heard from him
> since. Could be he's just playing the market or could be he's collecting
> numbers (*no emails*) for his boss at for 24 Hour Fitness. In any case,
> I'm
> not touching it, but I did manage to get a few fuzzy photos of it if any
> one
> else wants to have a go. Hit me up off list and I'll share the pics. Oth
> er
> than some hideous bar tape (which I ironically just replaced on my non-m
> int
> '74), it does appear to be a nice mount.
> Jackson Kokeny
> Aspen CO
> _______________________________________________
> _______________________________________________
> Dean Patterson
> Alpine, CA, USA
> DPCowboy
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