[CR]look what the cat dragged in!

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot)

From: "eric renick" <edr_71@hotmail.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2008 05:09:10 +0000
Subject: [CR]look what the cat dragged in!

Hello, I just picked up these bikes and I have a lot of questions about the m, restoring them, and eventually selling them. I have been around classics for a long time so I know what I have with the colnago and the Merckx but I would love to get some more info on the Motta. The Motta came with a hodg e-podge of 72 campy NR but it really didn't seem to go together so I sold t hat stuff on ebay. The frames rear spacing is 126mm and the NR hub is 120mm ? The frame is stamped 59 but the Cinelli bars were 38cm ctc? The front der ailluer was a SR and the Cinelli stem looked late 80's. If you could let me know that you got the attatched pictures and any suggestions on how to get my questions awnsers it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, EDR -req uestorg> Subject: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 64, Issue 32> To: classicre ndezvous@bikelist.org> Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 18:19:48 -0700> > Send Classic rendezvous mailing list submissions to> classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> > T o subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit> http://www.bikeli st.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous> or, via email, send a message wi th subject or body 'help' to> classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org> > You can reach the person managing the list at> classicrendezvous-owner@bikelis t.org> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specifi c> than 'Re: Contents of Classicrendezvous digest...'> > > CR> > Today's To pics:> > 1. Lou Tripician (Bianca Pratorius)> 2. Can't Take Any More (John Hurley)> 3. Re: Can't Take Any More (Campy Parts)> 4. Re: Can't Take Any Mo re> 5. Re: Can't Take Any More (Sadiq Gill)> 6. Ebay Outing - Regina, Rober gel, Campagnolo, and more> 7. Re: Raleigh Pros (KO Kevin)> 8. Raleigh bashi n' (George Albaugh)> 9. Re: Can't Take Any More (Paul Williams)> 10. Re: Ca n't Take Any More (Campy Parts)> 11. Fw: [CR]A fewTedbits for your classic esteemed steed (ternst)> 12. Raleigh Pros (Hansen, Thomas)> 13. Fw: [CR]A f ewTedbits for your classic esteemed steed (ternst)> > > ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------> > Date: Mon, 7 Apr 200 8 18:22:54 -0400> From: Bianca Pratorius <biankita@comcast.net>> To: classi crendezvous@bikelist.org> Subject: [CR]Lou Tripician> Message-ID: <18f7d9ca 005ccc8f6574edaf5ff516bd@comcast.net>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset= US-ASCII; format=flowed> MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v624)
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit> Precedence: list> Message: 1> > I have k nown Lou for less than two years, and in that time he has grown > from a re sponsible and practical member of society to a lunatic fringe > character d estined to fritter away his fortune collecting interesting > bikes from the classic era. Although I welcome him to our group, I fear > for his sanity. By the way, his Benotto is a lovely all NR restored > item and his Gianni Motta is a spectacular all original fully > pantographed find that was purc hased and built up at a bargain basement > price. After another dozen or so of such deals he will no doubt be > ready for classic rendezvous anonymous meetings while his classic > Jaguar gathers dust in the garage.> > Garth L ibre in Miami Fl USA> > > Just joined the group and one of the first things encountered is some > back and forth in reguard to the Raleigh. My first r eal road bike. > Vintage 1979 Capri. A birthday present my wife gave me, on sale at the > local bike shop for $169.00. Back then, and up to not too lo ng ago, I > didn't really know much about what I was riding, only that I wa s > definitely not ridding a Jaguar in the bicycle world and that when I > went to the bike shop to get a flat fixed, I'd see the new bikes evolve > o ver the years. -steel, aluminum, carbon etc.> > But the Raleigh keep me goi ng; the after work relief from a high stress > job ('s). I didn't even know the make of the derailer or brakes. I did > find out that the frame was ma de in Taiwan, which was somewhat > disappointing, ( I thought that I was ri ding an 'English Racer'). But > what the hell, I wasn't going to flip the b ike over, with the place of > origin up, if I could help it. I rode that bi ke, God knows how many > thousands of miles, until my wife bought me a new Aluminum bike for > Christmas in '97'. (Caloi) Well, the Raleigh got moved to the garage, > to collect dust, while the Caloi had a space in the hallwa y. What > saved that Raliegh from the garage sale, or the giveaway was runn ing > into to a couple of riding buddies, that forgot more about bikes, tha n > I will ever know. Unlike myself who looked at the bike I was riding as
> not much more than an means to the end for keeping in shape, these guys > knew the details of what made a difference in your ride.> > One is a dedic ated mountain bike rider, who in between mishaps on the > trails, sometimes rides on the road, on his fixed gear Motobecane. The > other, an entrepren eur and historian of the road biking world. But > both, regard the steel fr ame as supreme. But I'm riding the new > affordable technology, an Aluminum bike! Time to resurrect the > Raleigh. -- To the shop for a tune up and ba ck on the road for a > change. Can't say that it rode better than the Caloi , but the ride was > different, easier, more comforting or perhaps I was ju st being > nostalgic for the years of past, riding the Raleigh.> > Well, a 1981 Benotto and a 1982 Gianni Motta later, I concur that > steel is the be st ride. The Raleigh lives on at my daughter's and her > husband's place in Charleston. I still ride it when I go for a visit. > No, its not the best ride now, but for the times when it was my only > ride, it served me well. It hard to put an ebay price on that.> > Lou Tripician> Biscayne Park, Flor ida> > > ------------------------------> > Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 17:48:53 - 0500> From: 'John Hurley' <JHurley@jdabrams.com>> To: <classicrendezvous@bi kelist.org>> Subject: [CR]Can't Take Any More> Message-ID: <249DDD9704676C4 9AE6169AE3D2D9F4ECDB5B0@Exchange-SVR>> Content-Type: text/plain;charset=' us-ascii'> MIME-Version: 1.0> Precedence: list> Message: 2> > Dear Friends,
> > This is it. My illusions are shattered. I've known all along it would> come to this. Even as a kid I vaguely sensed the first faint warning> signs of Quality Fatigue Syndrome. What started with the simple joy of> bicyclin g soon became a desire for a 'better bike'. How much money> would I need? A visit to the local bike shops revealed the answer:> 'just a little bit mor e'. After more washing dishes and bussing tables> and saving money, I had e nough to buy the Better-Quality Bicycle. I was> thrilled to have a bike tha t was so light, so well-made, and so fun to> ride.> > But as time passed, a nd I read more books and magazines on bicycling,> Quality Fatigue Syndrome really set in. It seemed no matter how good> your bike, no matter how well- suited to your purpose, there were always> better bikes out there, and beyo nd those, even better ones, and so on.> It is now abundantly clear that eve n the kindly souls on the CR list> find little to love in the 'production-r un' bikes that were the> high-water-mark classics of my youth. Really, it w as a shame so many> good sets of 531 tubing were wasted on such shoddy mass -produced> consumer goods.> > Well, I can't take any more. Quality Fatigue Syndrome and the> inevitable deep depression that accompanies it have final ly driven me> over the edge. Tonight I'm taking my PX-10 out in the drivewa y where I> can run over it several times with the pickup truck. Then I'm go ing to> end it all. I'm going to bid high on the most expensive Masi or Col nago> I can find on eBay, having first made sure to leave a loaded revolver on> my wife's nightstand. That ought to do it. Goodbye, cruel world.> > Jo hn Hurley> Austin, Texas, USA> > > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME p arts ---> multipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> ------------------------------> > Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 16:07:43 -070 0> From: 'Campy Parts' <campy.parts@gmail.com>> To: classicrendezvous@bikel ist.org> Subject: Re: [CR]Can't Take Any More> Message-ID: <112a34fb0804071 607g3713a7bdkaf45f26f3664de92@mail.gmail.com>> In-Reply-To: <249DDD9704676C 49AE6169AE3D2D9F4ECDB5B0@Exchange-SVR>> References: <249DDD9704676C49AE6169 AE3D2D9F4ECDB5B0@Exchange-SVR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-885 9-1> MIME-Version: 1.0> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit> Precedence: list> Message: 3> > *> > Hi Don:> > Yes, and I have a full sized poster here show ing Hugh Porter riding a> Raleigh track bike and winning the 1960 World Cha mpionships in the 5000> meter pursuit. He was riding a maroon colored track bike labeled 'Raleigh',> not 'Carlton'. I would be able to send anyone a p hoto if they like, if> interested. Actually the poster is more like an adve rtisement and may not> actually be him in the actual race, but at least it shows him riding a> Raleigh.> > -Dee Gordon> > Los Angeles> > > -----Origin al Message-----> > > From:Donald Gillies> > > Carltons won world championsh ips in the 1950's, and 1970's at least.> > > In the early 1970's, all the b est Carlton riders were moved to the TI> > > Raleigh cycling team, with mor e funding, and that team became a> > > dominant team in the 1970's and earl y 1980's> > >> > > - Don Gillies> > > San Diego, CA, USA> > >> *> > > --- S tripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternative> text/pl ain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> ------------------------------> > Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 19:09:50 -0400> From: cwstudio@aol.com> To: JHurley@ jdabrams.com, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Subject: Re: [CR]Can't Take A ny More> Message-ID: <8CA671B9C368B7B-9A4-3155@webmail-nd19.sysops.aol.com>
> In-Reply-To: <249DDD9704676C49AE6169AE3D2D9F4ECDB5B0@Exchange-SVR>> Refer ences: <249DDD9704676C49AE6169AE3D2D9F4ECDB5B0@Exchange-SVR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset='us-ascii'> MIME-Version: 1.0> Content-Transfer-Enco ding: 7bit> Precedence: list> Message: 4> > John,> > > > That's sad, and I' m sure that we all commiserate.> > > > > But will that be an Italian revolv er? Please, don't use some crappy mass-produced thing. Make it a nice one, with really great engraving, and fresh rounds. Maybe even a vintage piece, with NOS walnut grips.> > > > > I'll send your relatives my address. Maybe they'll feel sad enough to send me all your old bikes. After all, they're n ot really worth that much...> > > > > Yours in pain,> > Chris Wimpey> > San Diego, CA USA> > > -----Original Message-----> From: John Hurley <JHurley@ jdabrams.com>> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Sent: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 3: 48 pm> Subject: [CR]Can't Take Any More> > > > > > > > > Dear Friends,> > T his is it. My illusions are shattered. I've known all along it would> come to this. Even as a kid I vaguely sensed the first faint warning> signs of Q uality Fatigue Syndrome. What started with the simple joy of> bicycling soo n became a desire for a 'better bike'. How much money> would I need? A visi t to the local bike shops revealed the answer:> 'just a little bit more'. A fter more washing dishes and bussing tables> and saving money, I had enough to buy the Better-Quality Bicycle. I was> thrilled to have a bike that was so light, so well-made, and so fun to> ride.> > But as time passed, and I read more books and magazines on bicycling,> Quality Fatigue Syndrome reall y set in. It seemed no matter how good> your bike, no matter how well-suite d to your purpose, there were always> better bikes out there, and beyond th ose, even better ones, and so on.> It is now abundantly clear that even the kindly souls on the CR list> find little to love in the 'production-run' b ikes that were the> high-water-mark classics of my youth. Really, it was a shame so many> good sets of 531 tubing were wasted on such shoddy mass-prod uced> consumer goods.> > Well, I can't take any more. Quality Fatigue Syndr ome and the> inevitable deep depression that accompanies it have finally dr iven me> over the edge. Tonight I'm taking my PX-10 out in the driveway whe re I> can run over it several times with the pickup truck. Then I'm going t o> end it all. I'm going to bid high on the most expensive Masi or Colnago> I can find on eBay, having first made sure to leave a loaded revolver on> my wife's nightstand. That ought to do it. Goodbye, cruel world.> > John Hu rley> Austin, Texas, USA> > > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> _______________________________________________> Classicrendezvous mailing list> Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/list info/classicrendezvous> > > > > > > > > > > --- StripMime Report -- process ed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> t ext/html> ---> ------------------------------> > Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 19:1 8:39 -0400> From: 'Sadiq Gill' <sadiqgill@gmail.com>> To: 'John Hurley' <JH urley@jdabrams.com>> Cc: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Subject: Re: [CR]C an't Take Any More> Message-ID: <c76dc510804071618t13241a6ck9b08b7399e9990a @mail.gmail.com>> In-Reply-To: <249DDD9704676C49AE6169AE3D2D9F4ECDB5B0@Exch ange-SVR>> References: <249DDD9704676C49AE6169AE3D2D9F4ECDB5B0@Exchange-SVR
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1> MIME-Version: 1.0> Conte nt-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit> Precedence: list> Message: 5> > And then there is always the dreaded Adult Onset QFS. How embarrassing to> admit that when you were 13 you actually jonesed for a Fuji Finest....which> although the name ends in a vowel is unlike all those other well healed> 'ending in vowe l' brands. Its a good thing I have lights...too embarrassed> to ride most o f my meager collection in the daylight.> > On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 6:48 PM, John Hurley <JHurley@jdabrams.com> wrote:> > > Dear Friends,> >> > This is it. My illusions are shattered. I've known all along it would> > come to th is. Even as a kid I vaguely sensed the first faint warning> > signs of Qual ity Fatigue Syndrome. What started with the simple joy of> > bicycling soon became a desire for a 'better bike'. How much money> > would I need? A vis it to the local bike shops revealed the answer:> > 'just a little bit more' . After more washing dishes and bussing tables> > and saving money, I had e nough to buy the Better-Quality Bicycle. I was> > thrilled to have a bike t hat was so light, so well-made, and so fun to> > ride.> >> > But as time pa ssed, and I read more books and magazines on bicycling,> > Quality Fatigue Syndrome really set in. It seemed no matter how good> > your bike, no matte r how well-suited to your purpose, there were always> > better bikes out th ere, and beyond those, even better ones, and so on.> > It is now abundantly clear that even the kindly souls on the CR list> > find little to love in the 'production-run' bikes that were the> > high-water-mark classics of my youth. Really, it was a shame so many> > good sets of 531 tubing were waste d on such shoddy mass-produced> > consumer goods.> >> > Well, I can't take any more. Quality Fatigue Syndrome and the> > inevitable deep depression th at accompanies it have finally driven me> > over the edge. Tonight I'm taki ng my PX-10 out in the driveway where I> > can run over it several times wi th the pickup truck. Then I'm going to> > end it all. I'm going to bid high on the most expensive Masi or Colnago> > I can find on eBay, having first made sure to leave a loaded revolver on> > my wife's nightstand. That ought to do it. Goodbye, cruel world.> >> > John Hurley> > Austin, Texas, USA> >

baughg@comcast.net>> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Subject: [CR]Ralei gh bashin'> Message-ID: <3C61A3FC-E214-4C55-B274-07E200A0B21C@comcast.net>>
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed
> MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v753)> Content-Transfer-Encodi ng: 7bit> Precedence: list> Message: 8> > I sure hope all this Raleigh bash in' goes on long enough to drive the > prices down a tad. There's a couple more models that I don't have > that I wouldn't mind adding to my fleet, pr oviding the prices drop > down to my bottom feeder level! Bash away y'all!>
   > George Albaugh> Bowie, Maryland US of A> > '73 Super Course (bought new in '75)> SB128 Team Pro> '75 International> '80 Worksop Team Rep> --------- ---------------------> > Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 19:43:16 -0400> From: 'Paul Williams' <castell5@sympatico.ca>> To: 'Classic Rendezvous' <classicrendezv ous@bikelist.org>> Subject: Re: [CR] Can't Take Any More> Message-ID: <00c8 01c89909$27477910$0300a8c0@ourlaptop>> Content-Type: text/plain;charset=' iso-8859-1'> MIME-Version: 1.0> Precedence: list> Message: 9> > 'But will t hat be an Italian revolver?' Heaven help us if it one > associated > with E nfield or BSA!!!> > Great post John - thanks for summing up in words the se eming futility of > > bicycle collecting - especially for those of us who e njoy riding such > lowly > brands as Raleigh or Peugeot. This past few days
   I have started to feel > like > the outcast member of an exclusive club - where one dare not utter the > names > of any brand other than Masi or Coln ago. I am now left to wonder how > long it > will be before my Raleigh fall s to pieces beneath me on the streets of > Ottawa as a consequence of its a pparent shoddy workmanship. Perhaps I > should > be riding my Bob Jackson i nstead - but I am not sure that that will make > the > grade either - or .. .. These are indeed anxious times. But, just wait > until > the Carpenter h its the road - then I might very well be lumped in with > the > 'greater un washed' of the messenger/fixed-gear club!> > Paul Williams,> Ottawa, Ontari o, Canada> > ----- Original Message ----- > From: <cwstudio@aol.com>> To: <
>; <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>> Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 7:09 PM> Subject: Re: [CR]Can't Take Any More> > > > John,> >> >> >> > That's sad, a nd I'm sure that we all commiserate.> >> >> >> >> > But will that be an Ita lian revolver? Please, don't use some crappy > > mass-produced thing. Make it a nice one, with really great engraving, > and > > fresh rounds. Maybe e ven a vintage piece, with NOS walnut grips.> >> >> >> >> > I'll send your r elatives my address. Maybe they'll feel sad enough to > send > > me all you r old bikes. After all, they're not really worth that > much...> >> >> >> >
> > Yours in pain,> >> > Chris Wimpey> >> > San Diego, CA USA> >> >> > ---- -Original Message-----> > From: John Hurley <JHurley@jdabrams.com>> > To: c lassicrendezvous@bikelist.org> > Sent: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 3:48 pm> > Subject: [CR]Can't Take Any More> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > Dear Friends,> >> > This
   is it. My illusions are shattered. I've known all along it > would> > come
   to this. Even as a kid I vaguely sensed the first faint warning> > signs o f Quality Fatigue Syndrome. What started with the simple joy > of> > bicycl ing soon became a desire for a 'better bike'. How much money> > would I nee d? A visit to the local bike shops revealed the answer:> > 'just a little b it more'. After more washing dishes and bussing > tables> > and saving mone y, I had enough to buy the Better-Quality Bicycle. I > was> > thrilled to h ave a bike that was so light, so well-made, and so fun to> > ride.> >> > Bu t as time passed, and I read more books and magazines on bicycling,> > Qual ity Fatigue Syndrome really set in. It seemed no matter how good> > your bi ke, no matter how well-suited to your purpose, there were > always> > bette r bikes out there, and beyond those, even better ones, and so on.> > It is now abundantly clear that even the kindly souls on the CR list> > find litt le to love in the 'production-run' bikes that were the> > high-water-mark c lassics of my youth. Really, it was a shame so many> > good sets of 531 tub ing were wasted on such shoddy mass-produced> > consumer goods.> >> > Well,
   I can't take any more. Quality Fatigue Syndrome and the> > inevitable deep
   depression that accompanies it have finally driven me> > over the edge. To night I'm taking my PX-10 out in the driveway where > I> > can run over it several times with the pickup truck. Then I'm going > to> > end it all. I'm
   going to bid high on the most expensive Masi or > Colnago> > I can find on
   eBay, having first made sure to leave a loaded revolver > on> > my wife's nightstand. That ought to do it. Goodbye, cruel world.> >> > John Hurley> >
   Austin, Texas, USA> >> >> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts - --> > multipart/alternative> > text/plain (text body -- kept)> > text/html>
   > ---> > _______________________________________________> > Classicrendezv ous mailing list> > Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> > http://www.bikelist.o rg/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> > multipart/alternative> > te xt/plain (text body -- kept)> > text/html> > ---> > _______________________ ________________________> > Classicrendezvous mailing list> > Classicrendez vous@bikelist.org> > http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendez vous> > > > > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> multipart/a lternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> --------------- ---------------> > Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 16:59:54 -0700> From: 'Campy Parts ' <campy.parts@gmail.com>> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Subject: Re:
   [CR]Can't Take Any More> Message-ID: <112a34fb0804071659v2080d827o43af9f3e 46dcb0cb@mail.gmail.com>> In-Reply-To: <112a34fb0804071607g3713a7bdkaf45f26 f3664de92@mail.gmail.com>> References: <249DDD9704676C49AE6169AE3D2D9F4ECDB 5B0@Exchange-SVR>> <112a34fb0804071607g3713a7bdkaf45f26f3664de92@mail.gmail .com>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1> MIME-Version: 1.0> C ontent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit> Precedence: list> Message: 10> > Sorry if d ouble post, I didn't see the first one go through.> > Yes, and I have a ful l sized poster here showing Hugh Porter riding a> Raleigh track bike and wi nning the 1960 World Championships in the 5000> meter pursuit. He was ridin g a maroon colored track bike labeled 'Raleigh',> not 'Carlton'. I would be
   able to send anyone a photo if they like, if> interested. Actually the pos ter is more like an advertisement and may not> actually be him in the actua l race, but at least it shows him riding a> Raleigh.> > -Dee Gordon> > Los Angeles, CA USA> > *> From:Donald Gillies> > > > Carltons won world champio nships in the 1950's, and 1970's at least.> >> > > In the early 1970's, all
   the best Carlton riders were moved to the TI> >> > > Raleigh cycling team,
   with more funding, and that team became a> >> > > dominant team in the 197 0's and early 1980's> >> > >> >> > > - Don Gillies> >> > > San Diego, CA, U SA> >> > >> > *> > > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> mult ipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> -------- ----------------------> > Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 17:07:07 -0700> From: 'tern st' <ternst1@cox.net>> To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>> Subject: Fw: [ CR]A fewTedbits for your classic esteemed steed> Message-ID: <007801c8990c$ 7c08fc00$0200a8c0@D8XCLL51>> Content-Type: text/plain;format=flowed;chars et='iso-8859-1';> reply-type=original> MIME-Version: 1.0> Content-Trans fer-Encoding: 7bit> Precedence: list> Message: 11> > Athena straps sold, ot her items still available. Thanks. Ted > ----- Original Message ----- > Fro m: 'ternst' <ternst1@cox.net>> To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>> Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 3:01 PM> Subject: [CR]A fewTedbits for your classic esteemed steed> > > > Several weeks ago Listers discussed about the followi ng first two > > items.> > Anyone still need/ would like:> > (1) one pair N OS Campagnolo Athena Nylon straps still in a United > > Bicycle Parts bag.>
   > Buckles are marked INOX and are the classic white with the thin blue > >
   stripe dowm the center. Price $12 includes shipping CONUS, or whatever > >
   little more for overseas> > > > (2) one set NOS-NIB Blackburn custom eyele ts complete, to fit Campagnolo > > dropout (or similar) to mount a rack.> >
   Has the alloy back plate to fit the triangle space, the hard disc washer >
   > for the outside and the longer hexhead bolt to attach your rack> > Price
   $6 includes shipping, CONUS or slightly more overseas.> > > > How about a more than 50 year old used excellent condition English > > 1/2x1/8-18T sing le freewheel?> > This came off a Schwinn SF Dural hub like came on old Supe riors, etc. I > > have a Very Sharp good Remover and just got it off. > > P robably not off hub ever in those 50 yrs. It's one of those that has > > th e grey body, looks like pot metal, but maybe scintered? steel?> > One side of the notch compressed just a little, the other side about a > > 1/16, but
   with a good tool the freewheel could be removed several times > > without a problem. This would be perfect for your double sided hub path > > bike. N eeds a little internal wash thru and some external, but it's very > > nice.
> > Outside plate says 'THE VILLIERS' 'MODEL DE LUXE'> > Price $13 shipped CONUS, slightly more overseas.> > > > Last item about 15/20 years ago a com pany whose name I don't recall made > > some ribbed soft but rigid plastic handlebar R&L pieces that fit over > > the curve on the bar tops and square d them off so the rider could find > > more resting support surface and tak e pressure off hands.> > I have a used but very good set that would be grea t for your comfort > > zone on the bar tops.> > Pop them on, tape the ends down, and enjoy your ride!> > Price for uncommon US made item $8 includes s hipping, CONUS, overseas > > whatever extra cost is.> > Cash, check, or PMO .> > Thanks for looking.> > Ted Ernst> > 4140 Via Nivel> > Palos Verdes Est ates> > CA 90274 USA> > > > > > > > > > > > > > --- StripMime Report -- pro cessed MIME parts ---> > multipart/alternative> > text/plain (text body -- kept)> > text/html> > ---> > ______________________________________________ _> > Classicrendezvous mailing list> > Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> > ht tp://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous> ----------------- -------------> > Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 17:46:04 -0700> From: 'Hansen, Thoma s' <TH@HJTH.COM>> To: 'classicrendezvous@bikelist.org' <classicrendezvous@b ikelist.org>> Subject: [CR]Raleigh Pros> Message-ID: <79311A41F6FA734EB6DBB D6E7C88ED0D02A7DAB745@osu.HJTH.COM>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset='u s-ascii'> MIME-Version: 1.0> Precedence: list> Message: 12> > I too have be en reading all of the Raleigh Pro posts with great interest. > A brown mink
   and silver MK 2 was my first pro bike and it changed my life, > although i t took me several trades to get to the right frame size. I ended> up with a
   23.5 ' frame that came out of the window of a small shop in Cali> fornia. It was configured like a Mk. 2 with no chrome on the rear chainsta> ys, but
   had no special 'Limited Edition' sticker. It was also about an inc> h shor ter in wheelbase than a normal Mk 2 and it had Zeus dropouts. The wo> rkman ship on the bike was just beautiful with lug work to match all of cust> om bikes of the era. It was head and shoulders above the other production > bi kes. During this time(1971 through 75) I worked in a Raleigh shop in San> t a Barbara and assembled a very large number of Pros and Internationals. T> he quality of the workmanship on the bikes varied a great deal and you real
> ly didn't know what you would get until you opened the box. Some of the P r> os came with the normal Prugnat style long point lugs while others had u gly> ornate and poorly brazed lugs. Some of the Internationals had Nervex l ugs> while others had the same ugly lugs used on the Pros. The story I hear d fr> om the Raleigh rep was that the Carlton guys had gone on strike so th ey had> Pros and Internationals built at the Raleigh factory. They sure loo ked li> ke it. I sold my Pro when I went to grad school in 1975 and pined f or it t> hereafter. I acquired a very low mileage and untampered with Mark 3 a few > years ago and restored it. The workmanship on this bike compares very favor> ably with the more exotic bikes I now own and rides beautifully
   as well. > I'm sure that these 'production' bikes were the entry for a lot
   of people i> nto the world of bike lust. Tom Hansen Los Angeles> > > --- S tripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternative> text/pl ain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> ------------------------------> > Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 18:18:34 -0700> From: 'ternst' <ternst1@cox.net>> To:
   <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>> Subject: Fw: [CR]A fewTedbits for your c lassic esteemed steed> Message-ID: <00a201c89916$76de0090$0200a8c0@D8XCLL51
>> Content-Type: text/plain;format=flowed;charset='iso-8859-1';> reply- type=response> MIME-Version: 1.0> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit> Preced ence: list> Message: 13> > Straps, Blackburn eyelet adapters and freewheel sold. Thanks!> The hand/palm/ wrist support grips are still waiting for a c lassic ride, > feel, and squeeze. Anybody?> Please scroll down and check it
   out. Ted> ----- Original Message ----- > From: 'ternst' <ternst1@cox.net>>
   To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>> Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 5:07 PM
> Subject: Fw: [CR]A fewTedbits for your classic esteemed steed> > > > ---- - Original Message ----- > > From: 'ternst' <ternst1@cox.net>> > To: <class icrendezvous@bikelist.org>> > Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 3:01 PM> > Subje ct: [CR]A fewTedbits for your classic esteemed steed> >> >> >> Several week s ago Listers discussed about the following first two items.> >> Anyone sti ll need/ would like:> >> (1) one pair NOS Campagnolo Athena Nylon straps st ill in a United Bicycle > >> Parts bag.> >> Buckles are marked INOX and are
   the classic white with the thin blue > >> stripe dowm the center. Price $1 2 includes shipping CONUS, or whatever > >> little more for overseas> >>> >
> (2) one set NOS-NIB Blackburn custom eyelets complete, to fit Campagnolo
> >> dropout (or similar) to mount a rack.> >> Has the alloy back plate to fit the triangle space, the hard disc washer > >> for the outside and the l onger hexhead bolt to attach your rack> >> Price $6 includes shipping, CONU S or slightly more overseas.> >>> >> How about a more than 50 year old used
   excellent condition English > >> 1/2x1/8-18T single freewheel?> >> This ca me off a Schwinn SF Dural hub like came on old Superiors, etc. I > >> have a Very Sharp good Remover and just got it off. Probably not off hub > >> ev er in those 50 yrs. It's one of those that has the grey body, looks > >> li ke pot metal, but maybe scintered? steel?> >> One side of the notch compres sed just a little, the other side about a > >> 1/16, but with a good tool t he freewheel could be removed several times > >> without a problem. This wo uld be perfect for your double sided hub path > >> bike. Needs a little int ernal wash thru and some external, but it's very > >> nice.> >> Outside pla te says 'THE VILLIERS' 'MODEL DE LUXE'> >> Price $13 shipped CONUS, slightl y more overseas.> >>> >> Last item about 15/20 years ago a company whose na me I don't recall made > >> some ribbed soft but rigid plastic handlebar R& L pieces that fit over the > >> curve on the bar tops and squared them off so the rider could find more > >> resting support surface and take pressure
   off hands.> >> I have a used but very good set that would be great for you r comfort zone > >> on the bar tops.> >> Pop them on, tape the ends down, a nd enjoy your ride!> >> Price for uncommon US made item $8 includes shippin g, CONUS, overseas > >> whatever extra cost is.> >> Cash, check, or PMO.> >
> Thanks for looking.> >> Ted Ernst> >> 4140 Via Nivel> >> Palos Verdes Est ates> >> CA 90274 USA> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> --- StripMime Report -- p rocessed MIME parts ---> >> multipart/alternative> >> text/plain (text body
   -- kept)> >> text/html> >> ---> >> _______________________________________ ________> >> Classicrendezvous mailing list> >> Classicrendezvous@bikelist. org> >> http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous> > _____ __________________________________________> > Classicrendezvous mailing lis t> > Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> > http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/list info/classicrendezvous > > ------------------------------> > ______________ _________________________________> Classicrendezvous mailing list> Classicr endezvous@bikelist.org> http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicren dezvous> > > End of Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 64, Issue 32> *********** ************************************** _________________________________________________________________ More immediate than e-mail? Get instant access with Windows Live Messenger. http://www.windowslive.com/messenger/overview.html?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_Refr esh_instantaccess_042008