[CR]Reintroduction abd WTB Campy NR Components

(Example: Framebuilding:Technology)

Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 15:18:37 -0400
From: <gthies1@cox.net>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Sensitivity: Normal
Subject: [CR]Reintroduction abd WTB Campy NR Components

I am not new to the CR list and am rejoining after several years of absence . I suppose one thing that triggered my interest in vintage bicycles again is that the Cirque is coming to a town nearby...Leesburg, VA. I had attende d a few Cirques in Greensboro, and while the drive from the Washington, DC area was nothing to write home about the event and the folks certainly were . I usually brought my 1976 Eisentraut A bike; it wasn't hard to miss in th e sea of display bikes as it is a 67 cm frame. My rekindled interest got ev en more piqued when I recently purchased my dream bike...an all-chrome 1972 Schwinn Paramount P-15. It is just the frame and fork and it is in Waterfo rd's trusted hands getting fresh decals, an alignment check, and a provenan ce report before it is shipped to me. You can probably tell I am looking fo rwarding to getting it and building it up for riding. Which brings me to th e second part of this note: I need components...everything! As the bike is in pristine condition, I am interested in period correct Campy Record compo nents and a wheelset or hubs and rims in excellent shape. If you have somet hing you are interested in selling or might be bringing to the Cirque, plea se let me know. I can be reached at gthies1@cox.net Thanks and I look forwa rd to reading all the CR posts again!

Greg Thies
Vienna, Virginia