RE: [CR]WTB: Mondia special. Now Mack Mac Conachie

(Example: Framebuilders:Mario Confente)

From: "Thomas Dockery" <>
To: Ken Wehrenberg <>, <>
Subject: RE: [CR]WTB: Mondia special. Now Mack Mac Conachie
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 04:59:36 +0000
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>

I apologize for butchering Mack's name. Yes I recall his involvement in th e USCF and his daughter. He use to drive the team around in a big old bus. ...... There were two people I met through Mack, both made lasting impressi ons, both spent time on that bus. Dan Casespear (probably spelled that one wrong too) and Greg Lange. I bought my first pro bike off of Dan, I wish I still had it. It was a custom Dick Nolan of Trek fame....... I believe Dan is still in the bike industry somewhere. If anyone knows how to reach him, I would love to have contact info.

Tom Dockery Los Altos, CA, USA
> To:;> From: wnwires@htc .net> Subject: Re: [CR]WTB: Mondia special> Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 22:36:23
   -0500> > Tom wrote: >Don't know what happen to them but there once was a s hop > in Smithton Illinois<> > Yes, Mack's Bike Shop in Smithton. Mack MacC onachie was a retired > USAF guy who got the bike thing bad. Very active in
   USCF stuff, > too. His daughter Tracy (Gateway East Freewheelers) won seve ral > medals in nationals and this was in a very competitive environment in
   > the midwest as Beth Heiden and Sarah Doctor, two speedskaters from WI > were also busy making their marks. In the '73-'78 years, I was a > student at Washington U and would get to know Mack very well. Spent > a lot of time
   down in Smithton and rode a lot of the local roads as > well. Mack's shop was quite a destination for those in the know-- > even for Chicagoans who w ould drive down "on a mission". When he > bought, he really bought a lot of
   whatever item we are talking > about. PX and PY-10s, including the real to p end stuff with > specially-prepped tied and soldered wheelsets for exampl e. Beaucoup > Raleighs. And then there were the Mondias. I remember a shipm ent of > around 50 of them. I was upstairs the day of or the day after they
   > arrived and were all unboxed. He remarked about his place in this > litt le one horse town having maybe the most anywhere outside the > importer or Switzerland. Boy, to see all of them in the full colors > assortment with t he "Big Daddy Ed Roth" (as Bicycling would say in a > review) paint jobs wa s really something else! To our eyes today, > those paint jobs are of cours e not what we expect from the likes of > Ed Litton or any others on this li st as our standards are so much > higher, but they were (as were Tigras) qu ite unique for their day. > I'd say the pinstriping was better than the lug
   work.> > So, Tom, thanks for jarring those memories. Mack did have a closi ng > the business sort of sale in the '80s as I remember. I had a friend > call me in California and tell me what he thought I would like and he > pur chased a Huret Jubilee which I still have sitting on my shelf with > the Ma ck's Bike Shop price sticker, among other goodies, sentimental > and otherw ise. What I really knew I wanted was still there in the > building after th e shop closed: the stained glass from above the > entryway. There were 3 pa nels done in almost a churchlike design: > Mack's, Bike, Shop. I put off go ing by so as to make an offer on it > to the new owners of the building. We ll procrastination did me in as > the building was torn down before I arriv ed on the scene. What > happened to the stained glass is anyone's guess.> >
   The last I heard, Mack, who for years had talked of Costa Rica, was > reti red to Port Perry, a lake community of mostly retirees north of > Cape Gira rdeau, MO in Perry County.> > Ken Wehrenberg, Hermann, MO, but for now in S anta Barbara, CA>