A few years ago someone broke into our apartment and stole all our jjewellery. When it came time to collect on the insurance, the insurance company found perfectly "legitimate" reasons not to pay. That was after 20 years with the same agent and same company.
Now that we are almost Jewelery-free, our most valuable objects are our bikes. Some of them go back to the 20's and are virtually irreplaceable.
I submitted an itemized list to my new insurance agent. He was more than happy to insure me for the value I stated. The only issue is that, should anything be stolen, the insurer will decide the "appropriate" compensation based upon a "bicycle of the same type and quality".
As this is sure to be problematic, should anything be stolen, the insurer is willing to agree to an expert evaluation.
Are there any known experts our field that can do this?
Amir Avitzur
Ramat-Gan, Israel