Re: [CR]Re: re: trestina woes (another view)

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 18:39:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Fred Rednor" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: re: trestina woes (another view)
In-Reply-To: <>

     Is that the "consortium" of bike thieves who operate out of a garage in Flushing, Queens (New York City) near the velodrome?
     Fred "former victim" Rednor -
                  now in Arlington, Virginia (USA)

--- wrote:

> I know I weighed in on this earlier but it just came to me.
> We need not
> worry about such "modifications". I hear there is a group out
> there that
> is dedicated to finding such bikes after they hit the garage
> sale or
> thrift store circuit. This group will pay a fair price or
> less to acquire
> this modified bike. They will spend a lot of time removing
> all the parts,
> cleaning up the frame. Then I hear they will contract others
> in their
> consortium to repaint, redecal and do chrome work to make it
> look better
> than it did when it was first purchased. They will spend many
> more dollars
> then the bike cost them in the first place.
> This group will search every corner of the neighborhood or
> world to find
> the parts that originally came with their thrift store find.
> They will
> then polish it up, take photos and show it to a group of like
> minded
> people on the internet or at a gathering that seems to come
> up each year.
> I don't remember the name of this group of people but they
> all seem to
> have one thing in common. They will tell everyone that they
> got that bike
> for $20.
> Ray Homiski
> Elizabeth, NJ
> _______________________________________________

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