[CR]research projects? Anyone interested?

(Example: Framebuilding:Paint)

From: "Steve Birmingham" <sbirmingham@mindspring.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 16:42:38 -0400
Thread-Index: AcjAOjMwJe/nMA3WTrOCfwSKIk1Kiw==
Subject: [CR]research projects? Anyone interested?

With all the talk about the USBHOF, and the potential for a research library, I think the time may be right to propose a couple projects I've had in mind for some time now.

The first would be a somewhat less complex version of what some members of the Society for American baseball research do. That would be simply going through local papers, and writing short articles about some cycling topics from any era. it could be as simple as just making a list of who rode in pro or amateur races in an area in say the 1910's, to some thing more detailed. Even team rosters don't seem to be easily found, even for teams from the early 80's sure, we all "know" who the big names rode for, and when, but what about the rest of the riders? The articles could be made into a newsletter, since some of the articles wouldn't be appropriate here.

The second is a bit more ambitious, but I think it would have value to many of us. I'd like to find a way to make a reference of team paint schemes and other markings. They aren't truly consistent, but a general guide as to what a particular team paint job was compared to replicas sold to the public would be interesting. Even a list of replicas offered would be an interesting thing. And yes, I have some idea just how complex this really is. Ideas would be appreciated, but right now, I'm thinking of coloring generic bike outlines and adding notes.

I've already used up 2 of my posts today, so I'll let things percolate for now, and answer either offline or tomorrow (Or both)

Steve Birmingham
Lowell, Massachusetts